Amadeus Issue

sigepbullet Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
Made it through the 3 hulk level on amadues. Took me forever and some luck...
Played 2 rouds on the 5 wave level and never made it through.

Here is the issue, when I went back in this afternoon after healing, I am back having to go through the hulk level again. This is a pain for me as I dont want to lose my progress.

Anyone else with this issue? I just want to get in on the 5 wave level again and Ill take my lmups trying to pass



  • padei_panda
    padei_panda Posts: 55 Match Maker
    The 5 waves you speak of is actually 1 node/round.

    So if you had died in either waves 1, 2, 3, 4 or (unluckily) 5, then you will have to start all over again on round 1.

    Understandably, it is not easy. But you can visit the Events / Missions page of this forum and in there, it will list the enemies you face each wave, as well as discussion on what characters/tactics you should use to face this round.

    I have yet to play it as I am doing the Hulk PVE but if it is like previous missions, Lazy Cap America + Original Black Widow + another support that helps stun / deny tiles (Spidey or Hood) is the way to go.

    Good luck
  • The 5 waves you speak of is actually 1 node/round.

    So if you had died in either waves 1, 2, 3, 4 or (unluckily) 5, then you will have to start all over again on round 1.

    Understandably, it is not easy. But you can visit the Events / Missions page of this forum and in there, it will list the enemies you face each wave, as well as discussion on what characters/tactics you should use to face this round.

    I have yet to play it as I am doing the Hulk PVE but if it is like previous missions, Lazy Cap America + Original Black Widow + another support that helps stun / deny tiles (Spidey or Hood) is the way to go.

    Good luck

    That isn't what the Op seems to be saying. If they have already finished the Hulks node once and played the 5 wave one, that progress should not be reset. Once you have played a node once it should not be able to lock itself again. (excepting the Galactus wave nodes)