Server Errors

GoreSlasher Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
I had server errors for about 4hrs today (3pm-7pm), December 3rd and could not get back to the Meet Rocket & Groot pve until 8pm. My internet connection was checked and found to have no problems. Eventually the game started to work and I fought tooth and nail to get back (spent 300HP) on heals only to lose 2nd place by 19pts in the closing minute! I was at least 2nd place the entire event the moment the first sub ended. I earned a top 2 prize. Any chance on compensation? This is really the last straw because I lost out on another situation that MPQ fully acknowledged as "my bad" yet never received proper compensation.


  • GoreSlasher
    GoreSlasher Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Ticket just issued
  • GoreSlasher
    GoreSlasher Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    Annndd I wasn't granted my reward. 8hrs a day for 4days to earn a top 2 until "Check Internet Connection" ruins 4hrs of competition. Was able to prove with my ISP that my system wasn't at fault and I have to settle for 3rd place by 19 stinking pts. Hmm..guess those hours I wasn't able to start the app really cost me!