Game keeps crashing on match start (Steam/PC)

_RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
As of the Amadeus Cho update the game has a continuing 50/50 odds to crash at match start.

The backdrop, board and overall UI will paint, enemy and player teams will populate and music will play, but the player and enemy powers selection will not populate. After a short hitch where the game is frozen in this state it will crash.

This is ridiculous and leaves the game unplayable. There's a 50/50 chance you'll just suffer ~40% health damage to your entire team and forfeit all equipped boosts.

Fix this trash! Yesterday!


  • Please update to include mobile phone. More specifically iPhone 6s (don't have the newest iOS update if that helps).

    Happen to me twice yesterday and twice today. I select my characters, and just as the match starts and the tiles drop the game closes. However, when I open the game again it didn't count it as a lost match and I didn't lose any health.

    Just happened again while I was half way through the match. After starting up the game, I did notice that my characters had lost health