Hotshot rewards bug.

Avarice13 Posts: 38
So I climbed to rank 1 for the hotshot slice that ended at 11pm central time. I received the 5k iso, all 3 :Ioki: and the icon_iceman.png cover but I did not receive the 100 hero points or the 2 command points. Do they lag behind slightly or did I get jipped out of them?


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think everything is supposed to come at once. I had a lightning round top 25 finish short me one token last night, so I wonder if they're having an issue. Take a screenshot of your placement and submit it with a support ticket:
  • CallTheStorm
    CallTheStorm Posts: 63 Match Maker
    Avarice13 wrote:
    So I climbed to rank 1 for the hotshot slice that ended at 11pm central time. I received the 5k iso, all 3 :Ioki: and the icon_iceman.png cover but I did not receive the 100 hero points or the 2 command points. Do they lag behind slightly or did I get jipped out of them?

    I missed HP/CP 3 events in a row. Two events top 25 and one event top 10. Ticket was sent, waiting for the answer.

    BTW, the problem happen on both iPad and Android phone.

    updates, I just got 200HP and 4 CP from D3. I wish this glitch won't happen to me again. Just annoying even you can claim rewards back later.
  • This is what I was looking for. This has happened to me twice in the last week. I got the correct number of covers and iso but no HP or CP. Both times I filed a ticket and received the missing rewards within a day but the response from customer service was more "here's your missing stuff. full stop" than "here's your missing stuff and we're working on a fix for it."
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    happened to a couple of people in my alliance too, they have been screen-shotting the before and after of their rewards to send in tickets to get missing rewards.
  • I know I posted this a while ago and I don't want to resurrect a dead thread but I sent in a ticket and D3 gave me 2 CP but only 50 HP when the reward was clearly 100 HP for rank 2-5 (since rank 1 awards those rewards as well). 50 is better than none so I left it at that but still. I'm just hoping it doesn't happen again.
  • lymang
    lymang Posts: 97 Match Maker
    I know this is necro'ing a dead thread but I wanted to say that Hot Shots seems to have been a problem child, I had issues as well, received all rewards but my CP, and then had connection issues repeatedly trying to get it after they gave it to me. Did end up ok in the end, but ... it was definitely broken.