AP glitch?

bobbyfish Posts: 299
Bit of an odd one, but I'm in the middle of a pvp fight against marvel, moonstone and quicksilver. Using red hulk, I got up to 8 green AP, and built purple up to fire gamma siphon. Noted that they had 10 green AP so to avoid them firing fists of fury I use it. I see my green bar fill, but my plan is to go for 18.

But then on the next turn, the go ahead and fire fists of fury anyway and then had 3 green leftover! To make it worse, I then notice on my turn that I only have 4 green AP? It's as if they used mine? I thought I might have missed something, but I definitely didn't fire my green, because none of the opponents have taken enough damage.

There are no healers and no AP thieves on their team. Any ideas? Even if they fired a really quick widow steal TU or something that wouldn't give enough for them to fire fists surely?


  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    Depending on how many Supersonic tiles he generates from blue matches, the cost of Fists of Fury can be reduced to 6 AP.

    So while I'm not sure exactly what happened for you to lose your AP, the scenario you described and the amount of green he had left over is extremely plausible.