Your 4* DDQ completion rate? - battle 15 edition

Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Just realized we have done 15 4* DDQ battles, so it might be a good time to check the completion rate - particularly since the last 5 battles have included 3 considered extremely difficult (Starlord, Thing and now Captain America), 1 considered very easy (Professor X) and one somewhere inbetween (Kingpin).

The 15 battles so far, taken from the Tips and Guides forum:
:wolverine: X-Force vs. icon_cyclops.png Sexy Cyclops
icon_nickfury.png Fury vs. icon_magneto.png 3 star Magneto
icon_invisiblewoman.png IW vs. icon_quicksilver.png Quacksilver
icon_ironman.png HB vs. icon_hulk.png Incredible Bulk
icon_deadpool.png X-Pool vs. icon_wolverine.png X-Force
icon_thor.png 4hor vs. icon_ragnarok.png rags
icon_devildino.png The Land Before Time vs. icon_squirrelgirl.png Squirrels
icon_elektra.png Electra vs. icon_blade.png Blade
icon_antman.png A Bug's Life vs. icon_jeangrey.png Teen Jean
icon_starlord.png Star-Lord vs. icon_gamora.png The Deadliest Woman in the Universe
icon_professorx.png Prof The Bald & the Beautiful vs. icon_carnage.png Minimum Carnage
icon_kingpin.png Kingpin vs. icon_lukecage.png Luck Cage
icon_carnage.png Maximum Carnage vs. icon_doctoroctopus.png Dr. Octopus
icon_thing.png Clobberin' Time vs. icon_humantorch.png Flame On!
icon_captainamerica.png Captain Falcon vs :captmarvel: Captain Marvel

And for fun, we can always speculate a bit about how we'll do with the upcoming battles:
:jeangrey: Future Phoenix from the Past
icon_mrfantastic.png Mr. Fantastic
icon_iceman.png Iceman from the Past
icon_cyclops.png Sexier Cyclops
icon_redhulk.png Rulk
icon_x23.png Girlverine
icon_ghostrider.png Ghost Rider
icon_hulkcho.png Totally Awesome Chulk

Personally, I am 15/15 so far, and should have little issue with Jean Grey (11 covers), Mr Fantastic (9 covers, 5 blue) or Iceman (9 covers, 3 in each). Cyclops (5/2/0 soon) should also be doable with a little luck. Rulk and X-23... well, it depends on how many covers I can get before they are up, they have 3 and 4 covers right now.
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  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Quebbster wrote:
    And for fun, we can always speculate a bit about how we'll do with the upcoming battles
    I speculate that my perfect record is about to take a steep nosedive...
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    I missed on fury, xpool, dino, and now flaptain. fury and xpool will have chances by their next run. not keeping dino with roster slot costs and by the time flaptain runs again, i'll probably have him better covered. jean should not be a problem and after that MFer at 2/3/4 (gonna be rough) and rulk at 1/4/1 are my only chances left. ice at -/1/2 (finished 21st and alliance 102nd for him - will always remember that night), cyke at 1/2/1 and x23 at -/1/2. GR will have a weak start unless I perfectly snipe a late bracket and same with TAH (not playing 7 day pves).
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beat every one through today, and should be able to beat JG.

    Today was first failure, 2/2/0 and I won't even try (team-mates having trouble with 4/5/2 and 5/4/3). Got a bit lucky with 1/2/5 thing. More failures to come soon with low covered Iceman, X23, MrF, RHulk, and Cyc.

    REALLY WISH the 4* DDQ was set up like 3* DDQ. Have the 4* be essential (you must have it to earn it), and be a relatively easy battle that uses it - follwed by a harder node in which you can use any character to earn the -specific cover- rather than LT!

    Also trying to calculate now....looks like 22 4* when GR is here. There were 34 3* when DDQ started running allowing you a daily shot at getting another 3* cover....daily 4* DDQ should be well on it's way....
  • westnyy2
    westnyy2 Posts: 194 Tile Toppler
    I was also perfect up until today. I've tried FalCap twice and failed miserably with a level 172 551. I know I need red but this matchup is ridiculous. My second match gave me a wonderful cascade allowing me to cast yellow and fill red. Unfortunately, it also led to her passive kicking in and firing her red wiping away all my shields. I don't see any scenario where I can win with my Falcon, but I was probably supposed to fail.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    daily 4* DDQ should be well on it's way....
    I agree it should be more than it is. every other day or 2 per 5-day cycle would really help. its understandable that 4* should be slower than 3*, but feels like after a good stretch of progress, I've slowed to a crawl here.
  • IlDuderino
    IlDuderino Posts: 427 Mover and Shaker
    The list of upcoming battles is a depressing reminder that, unless they cycle back to the start soon, I will be sitting on the sidelines until after Christmas
  • Chrono_Tata
    Chrono_Tata Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Yep, count me in as another one who just blew his perfect record thanks to Faptain. My 3/2/0 Faptain doesn't stand a chance, even fully levelled to the maximum the covers allowed. Special thanks to RNGsus for giving me 20 repeat 4-star covers from Legendary Tokens and not even one Red Faptain.
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I have been successful 8 times, today was most decidedly not one of them though it should have been as I have 8 covers and have dumped plenty of iso into him. I wish I had known that the devs intended to stab us in the back with match selection this time, I'd have used it elsewhere.
  • vudu3
    vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
    westnyy2 wrote:
    I was also perfect up until today. I've tried FalCap twice and failed miserably with a level 172 551. I know I need red but this matchup is ridiculous. My second match gave me a wonderful cascade allowing me to cast yellow and fill red. Unfortunately, it also led to her passive kicking in and firing her red wiping away all my shields. I don't see any scenario where I can win with my Falcon, but I was probably supposed to fail.
    I managed to win with a level 172, 4/3/1 FalCap. Requires a lot of damage boosts and even more luck. It's definitely possible although about as much fun as smacking your head against a brick wall.
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    vudu3 wrote:
    westnyy2 wrote:
    I was also perfect up until today. I've tried FalCap twice and failed miserably with a level 172 551. I know I need red but this matchup is ridiculous. My second match gave me a wonderful cascade allowing me to cast yellow and fill red. Unfortunately, it also led to her passive kicking in and firing her red wiping away all my shields. I don't see any scenario where I can win with my Falcon, but I was probably supposed to fail.
    I managed to win with a level 172, 4/3/1 FalCap. Requires a lot of damage boosts and even more luck. It's definitely possible although about as much fun as smacking your head against a brick wall.
    Your Captain is even weaker than mine, well done!
    (mine is 5\3/2, level 209)
  • san
    san Posts: 421 Mover and Shaker
    I had to re-vote, after initially voting 6-8. I went back and counted, and I really only didn't complete 4 battles.

    icon_deadpool.png - with a 2/0/0 DP, I didn't even bother. I think I tried once or twice with no boosts.

    icon_starlord.png - my fairly well covered and well leveled SL didn't even stand a chance. After much frustration, I gave up.

    icon_kingpin.png - more or less the same story as with DP. 0/2/1 KP wasn't going to cut it.

    icon_captainamerica.png - to be honest, I expected more from FalCap, but unfortunately, the opponent is really meant to beat him.

    That said, there were a number of other battles I truly struggled on, and I am sure most have. I don't want to get into the unfairness of it, but I am certainly glad that TUs have been removed from here on in. I expect a bit of an easier time, even with all 270s from here on in, unless we are discussing new characters. I won't bother trying to beat it with new characters, as it gives the devs the idea that I am "engaged," which I am NOT when it comes to battles I can't win.

  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    12 wins for me. The 3 I failed are:

    3/2/2 level 131 StarLord. No chance against super Gamora.
    0/1/2 level 90 Thing. Didn't even try.
    3/3/2 level 168 FalCap. Don't see how I even have a chance. Marvel is way too strong.
  • CrookedKnight
    CrookedKnight Posts: 2,579 Chairperson of the Boards
    13/15. 1/3/3 Thor didn't quite make the cut, and 1/3/2 Flaptain is completely out of his league.
  • Varg138
    Varg138 Posts: 128 Tile Toppler
    Had a perfect run in 4* DDQ until this tinykitty one. 10 tries and the closest I got before dying was getting her down to about 4k health. Covered 5/3/2, and dumped some ISO into him, which I would now like back to put into someone else who is not the most useless character in the game. I'd give ISO to Rags before giving any more to this guy.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Varg138 wrote:
    Had a perfect run in 4* DDQ until this tinykitty one. 10 tries and the closest I got before dying was getting her down to about 4k health. Covered 5/3/2, and dumped some ISO into him, which I would now like back to put into someone else who is not the most useless character in the game. I'd give ISO to Rags before giving any more to this guy.

    If last week taught us anything, wait until tonight, maybe something will get changed!
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    After 12 tries I finally managed to beat it with my 4/3/2 soft-capped at 188. I boosted +2 r/y and +50% r/y damage. Didn't want to boost +all damage cause it starts costing hp, but also I did it a couple times and match 4's and 5's were setting off her passive sometimes, which is obviously no bueno. Once I realized I COULD do it if I could just amass 9 yellow and 28 red, I just set myself to that goal and kept trying. It's really frustrating, but at least at that level you can eat a couple reds, or a red and a black and still survive.

    As for the thread topic, pulling this one out keeps me 15/15. I will win JG as I've got her covered, but after that it's downhill...Really hoping they go back to xf and give us some extra time to cover the newer ones.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Not a high vote total at the moment, but the survey was pretty much what I expected. Those who were already were strong in the 4* transition are benefitting the most from the 4* DDQ. I only have 2 4*'s with enough covers to win with. Of those two (XFW and IW), only IW was strong enough to win. I've picked up some more 4*'s since the beginning, but still are in 1 to 2 cover land for the majority. No 4* DDQ attempts for me anytime in the future.
  • CrimsonHulk
    CrimsonHulk Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
    Past Fights
    :wolverine: vs. icon_cyclops.png = Yep
    icon_nickfury.png vs. icon_magneto.png = Yep
    icon_invisiblewoman.png vs. icon_quicksilver.png = Yep
    icon_ironman.png vs. icon_hulk.png = Nope
    icon_deadpool.png vs. icon_wolverine.png = Yep
    icon_thor.png vs. icon_ragnarok.png = Yep
    icon_devildino.png vs. icon_squirrelgirl.png = Yep
    icon_elektra.png vs. icon_blade.png = Yep
    icon_antman.png vs. icon_jeangrey.png = Yep
    icon_starlord.png vs. icon_gamora.png = Nope
    icon_professorx.png vs. icon_carnage.png =Yep
    icon_kingpin.png vs. icon_lukecage.png = Yep
    icon_carnage.png vs. icon_doctoroctopus.png = Yep
    icon_thing.png vs. icon_humantorch.png = Yep
    icon_captainamerica.png vs icon_caroldanvers.png = Not even bothering with my 2/3/0 FalCap.

    Upcoming Fights
    icon_mrfantastic.png - 1/4/2 @ 147, I actually got very lucky for cover drops during his release PVE and PVP, went 3/3 on his PVP tokens. He's probably still worthless in a 1 on 1.

    icon_iceman.png - 0/2/1 @ 90, 2 covers from his release PVE, 1 from a heroic token since then. I guess it's nearly impossible to get covers for him.

    icon_cyclops.png - 1/3/1 @ 115, minimal chance.

    icon_redhulk.png - I'd actually have to have a cover for him.

    icon_x23.png - 0/1/0 @ 70, No chance.

    As for icon_ghostrider.png & icon_hulkcho.png - TBD
  • madok
    madok Posts: 905 Critical Contributor
    I've only beaten the Carnage fight and that was a slog because mine is 1/3/5. I may have a shot when things roll over again because most of my LTs have been netting me old school covers like Fury, IW, Wolvie and 4thor.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    14/14 before today, but haven't tried FalCap yet. Mine's 2/4/1, level 70. I'm not optimistic even if I level, but vudu gave me some hope.