Rogue 4*

bpcontra Posts: 176
edited November 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
Think a cool addition would be Rogue and I think she would be a good 3* addition, even though we are apparently done with 3*.

Anyway, the idea would be a variation of Captain Marvel 3*' red absorption power. Rogue could be susceptible to normal tile and attack tile damage but if you use a power on her and she can absorb X amount of damage it creates, creating a 3 turn count down and fire it back at your opponent at Y% of the original strength.

There's a lot of different things you can do with her....

greenflag.png 12 AP - Rogue touches her opponent absorbing one random power and creating a 3 turn count down tile to fire that power at X% of the opponents base power strength

yellowflag.png Passive - Rogue absorbs 100% of damage inflicted on her by active powers and creates a 4 turn count down tile. If tile is destroyed by enemy, Rogue takes 100% damage. If destroyed by friendly, she generates 3 random green tiles. If countdown expires, she generates 8 random green tiles.

blueflag.png Rogue's touch leaves you drained. Rogue drains 2 random colors 100% and converts 50% into the friendly pool.