
DeNappa Posts: 1,392 Chairperson of the Boards
edited June 2022 in MPQ Alliances
Dawnbringers Alliance topic

Hey y'all, thought it might be a good idea to throw in an alliance topic on the forums since we didn't have one yet.

Rules (2022 update, where did the time go :neutral: )
Not sure if anyone even cares to read this stuff. But just to ensure that the current rules are clear:

Rule 1. Be active
Rule 2. Participate in alliance events

On rule 1: I don't care much if you miss a few days here or there, the daily ISO reward from the alliance activity isn't that spectacular. But if you go inactive without notice, I can't know if you're coming back or not so I will have to boot you.

On rule 2: For all players, both individual rewards AND collective rewards are much easier to achieve if everyone participates. Alliance events run for 4 days, so there isn't a good excuse to "miss" them. Even if you're busy with other things, is it really impossible to find a bit of time during the weekend to do at least a few nodes? 

Feel free to introduce yourself in this topic.

Me, I've been playing this since somewhere in 2014, although I quit playing for almost a year. Right now I'm trying to get my 3* characters covered.
Miscellaneous info: I'm from the Netherlands (go Dutchies!), 35 years young icon_mrgreengif (2022 update: man I was so young when I typed this), and my goal is to get every character in the game on my roster! (even Bagman and Yelena, eventually icon_lolgif)

2022 update: Well somewhere along the way I hit that goal that I stated. Even champed Bagman. Now just keeping up with the flow and attempting to get as much 5*s champed as I can but that's probably a grind I won't be able to keep up.


  • star29fish
    star29fish Posts: 12 Just Dropped In
    Got room? If ya want to see what u got look up witch hunter look for Starnine

    Let me know
  • Cycocivic
    Cycocivic Posts: 19
    Hey, i'm interested in joining your alliance. I play daily(219 days since I started). I am a mid 3* transitioner(13 champed and at least 10 waiting on 1-3 covers and of course iso). I am starting to collect 4* covers(about a dozen w/ just 1-2).
    I play mostly pve(HoD score of 68k ranked 54) and dabble in pvp(krakaboom score of 469 rank 119 w/o shielding). My last season score was 6000 and got the 2k cover reward in sim. Ended at 1400 though.
    I really want to play civil war(alliance-based event) and will play whichever side the alliance chooses( really want some imhb but have flaptain also).
    Let me know what you think. I have LINE but never use it. TIA Tuan
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,392 Chairperson of the Boards
    Of course, but I see you already hit that 'apply' button xD.

    @star29fish, you're also welcome to join. There's another open spot at the moment icon_cool.gif
  • Hello. I would like to join youre alliance. I sand request already so you can check me on mpq and decide to take me or not icon_e_smile.gif
  • merr1dew
    merr1dew Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Very new player just getting started, but I'm having a good time and would love to join a laid back group where I could learn a thing or two about the game. I put in a request to join earlier today.
  • Hey all,

    i saw your post online when looking for a stable alliance,
    i would love to see what you guys are all about, i got a pretty decent roster and i play on a daily basis.
    i would love to hear from you guys soon, and i hope you have a spot open.

    you can check out my roster, my ign is SupahG.

    Thanks in advance, hope to hear from you soon! drop me a pm and hope to see you all soon!

  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,392 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh, things tend to be reasonably quiet, with usually an extra buzz whenever there's collective alliance events. We still have room; the open spot has not been filled, and there's one more person that seems to have gone MIA. If you want to join just look us up and apply, so I can let you in.
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,392 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2022
    In case anyone from the alliance still reads this (lol), I updated the first post with some rule clarfications.

    /edit; also: blesstherebel if you by any chance happen to read this -- I hope you're doing well. You went off the radar for too long and you never provided any means out-of-game to contact you so I had to drop you. I hope you will be able to turn around the hard times that hit you and maybe in the future things will look bright again. If you ever return to the game make sure to check in with us and hopefully we can find some room for you again :).