What does True Healing mean anymore?

Enoc99 Posts: 141
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Way back in the beginning of the True Healing debate, it was defined as follows:
IceIX wrote:
Characters receive true healing if their powers heal their wounds. Character powers that ease combat but don't heal wounds provide temporary health.

But as time has progressed, I feel like instead True Healing should instead be defined as self healing, and Temporary Healing defined as team healing.

If we look at the abilities:
True Healing:
Silver Surfer - Self Only
Wolverine (all 4 iterations) - Self Only
X-23 - Self Only
Mr. Fantastic - Self Only
Deadpool (both iterations) - Self Only
Daken (both iterations) - Self Only
Rocket & Groot - Self Only
Ares - Self Only
(Not yet released) Totally Awesome Hulk - Self Only

Temporary Healing:
Phoenix - Self Only
Beast - Team
Spider-Man - Team
Kamala Khan - Team
Original Black Widow - Team

We see that, with the only exception being Phoenix, this definition holds true. And IceIX's original definition above doesn't make sense when you ask yourself the reason behind the healing. How is Amadeus Cho's eating of a hot dog a better source of healing then Beast performing field surgery? Why is Reed Richard's desire to protect his family a better source of healing then Kamala Khan inspiring her allies? Personally I feel that four of these examples should be Temporary Healing, as they don't actually heal their wounds, but instead just ease combat.

I don't have a problem necessarily with True Healing or Temporary Healing, but it feels like the original definition of what is and what isn't True Healing is no longer being adhered to.

Does the definition of what is and what isn't True healing need to be refined?


  • GuntherBlobel
    GuntherBlobel Posts: 987 Critical Contributor
    The other exception is Ragnarok (self temporary heal), right? Essentially, the OP is correct, but there are those quirky exceptions that prevent a rule.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    The quoted explanation aside, here is how i see it..

    Health that stays after the match is over = True Healing
    Health that doesn't = Temporary.
  • DrStrange-616
    DrStrange-616 Posts: 993 Critical Contributor
    Malcrof wrote:
    The quoted explanation aside, here is how i see it..

    Health that stays after the match is over = True Healing
    Health that doesn't = Temporary.

    This is how I've always thought of it.
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:
    The quoted explanation aside, here is how i see it..

    Health that stays after the match is over = True Healing
    Health that doesn't = Temporary.

    Which is pretty much the definition.
    Thing is, TC's point should be less about a redefining of the terms and more a posing of the question "Why aren't there any true healing AoE abilities?"

    Answer - so we don't prologue heal any more.
  • Enoc99
    Enoc99 Posts: 141
    True Healing is at worst the equivalent of beneficial medicine, at best actual regeneration / miracles. No downside, no high to come off of.

    The other kind is like a burst of adrenaline, narcotics, spiritual energy, or a joy of electricity, and this called 'burst' healing. And when the match ends, the moment has past, the subject collapses back to reality. The sugar high fades.
    How does that explain the true healing behind Mr. Fantastic's inspiration when protecting his friends, or Amadeus Cho eating a hot dog?

    Is it just that they are 4* characters and thus should True Heal just because?
  • Mercurywolf
    Enoc99 wrote:
    True Healing is at worst the equivalent of beneficial medicine, at best actual regeneration / miracles. No downside, no high to come off of.

    The other kind is like a burst of adrenaline, narcotics, spiritual energy, or a joy of electricity, and this called 'burst' healing. And when the match ends, the moment has past, the subject collapses back to reality. The sugar high fades.
    How does that explain the true healing behind Mr. Fantastic's inspiration when protecting his friends, or Amadeus Cho eating a hot dog?

    Is it just that they are 4* characters and thus should True Heal just because?

    This is in Amadeus Cho's case only:
    Hulks tend to have a higher regenerative ability than non-hulks. CIP at one point in X-Force vs Red Hulk arc, Wolverine claws red-hulk's eyes out and they grow back. Now, none of the hulks so far have an in-game healing ability to represent this, so Amadeus Cho's ability is not so much eating a magic hot dog, its that he is taking a break from combat (to eat the hot dog) to allow his healing factor to work.
  • JVReal
    JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think his original definition still applies because they are using temp healing as a replacement for an energy boost, not healing of wounds... like an adrenaline shot.

    The best example that Ice used for me was with Ares. His self damage isn't exactly damage as much as it is draining his energy for that attack. Then when it goes off, he isn't healing himself from some damage as much as he's getting his energy back to be in full swing again.

    It's easier than actually temporarily boosting match damage or levels for a player. It allows that player to be able to fight a little bit longer despite wounded... and when it wears off (the match ends) they are still left with their wounds.

    The Anti-Gravity device OBW uses does not heal... it increases her ability to do damage, exemplified by their increased health in game allowing them to keep on fighting doing more damage to the enemy.