Easy mode

Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
When selecting a PVE mission to fight, give players the choice of using easy mode. This will have the enemy levels/covers scaled down to be winnable based on the player's roster. The reward will also be scaled down. In 4* DDQ, the easy mode reward could be 1000 iso instead. For competitive PVE, the points gained could be reduced. After choosing easy mode, the normal reward for that mission will no longer be available.

Nobody likes to lose. Especially against impossible odds. Even if players understand that some rewards are meant to only be attainable with a more developed roster, it still sucks get beaten down. The easy mode option lets players at least get some satisfaction from winning a fight, even if they don't earn the full reward for it. It might help to alleviate some of the negativity going around.


  • rossmon
    rossmon Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    Maybe, but a lot of the negativity is coming from vets that are seeing too many 'easy' ways to advance without as much effort.
  • This could be a good option if the easy event played out like the prologue (but on the same timer as the normal event); plenty of iso rewards available for winning nodes, but no placement rewards, progression rewards or the like. Good for starting out players who don't want to be steamrolled by 3* or 4* rosters.