Re-speccing heroes (and non-heroes alike!)

edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
Any time a hero gets nerfed (or altered) in any manner that hero should automatically have all their covers removed. Also, those covers should be allowed to be re-specced in any skill slot. I know almost all of us have designed our specific hero in the fashion we thought was the most useful which usually meant either sacrificing covers that would have fit on the hero but not necessarily how we wanted to build him or her. So we sold covers we didn't want (for way under-valued btw) or bought covers we needed, etc. to fulfill our vision for that hero. When D3 decides to change that hero for balancing purposes, I can understand that move. But obviously we need to be properly made whole after our vision gets screwed with. If the game were COMPLETELY free I really wouldn't have an argument, but it's not. I've spent more than my fair share of money on this game and get agitated when a hero I've worked on gets messed with. I mean, we could get into the issue of how some of us might not have even leveled or focused on certain heroes with the new stats and skills, but that's a box best left unopened..

You guys are doing a great job with this game and I'm sure you could manage this.


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