What roster do you use in PVE (vs goons/bots?)

edited February 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
After my fair share of annoying 150+ level goons, I've figured out a roster that works fairly well vs the countdown-spamming, sometimes aggravating opponents know as Maggia, OSCORP agents, and doombots.


Original Black Widow (5/5/3):

The core of the team. Steals away the AP constantly generated to stop new cooldowns, AOE heal, and what amounts to a 4 turn stun for the entire enemy team.

Captain America (3/5/5):

Another way to get rid of countdown tiles. Also incredibly good at eliminating a single target (when there is only one left). Protect tiles in a pinch (they probably won't get matched away).

Punisher (5/5/3):

Rounds out the team to use black and green AP. Green is good in a pinch if you need to destroy cd tiles. Black is good AOE and you can avoid matching attack tiles.

So what's your go to roster for PVE?


  • Here's mine:

    Original Black Widow (3/5/5):

    Same reason as you. I max out Espionage instead of Aggressive Recon. I like having a low AP cost to activate Recon, and with Espionage, there's really no need to steal the enemy's Purple or Black.

    Marvel NOW! Magneto (3/5/5):

    I really didn't want to like this character at first, but when I leveled his Polarity Shift, I realized he was a stunner's battery. You can clear those hard to reach countdown tiles by making a 4-match and you can set yourself up for critical tiles.

    Modern Storm (5/5/3):

    She clears tiles with Lightning Strike and environmental tiles with Mistress of the Elements AND generates AP for everything destroyed. I save Hailstorm until I kill at least 1 goon, have enough blues/purples saved up, and have 30 black so I can cast it 3 times.
  • I use C.Storm on a lot of the tough goon fights. Especially since she's buffed in this event, whenever you eat a big AoE attack, you automatically get the big version of Raging Tempest x3. It's basically an instant win.
  • Eddiemon
    Eddiemon Posts: 1,470 Chairperson of the Boards

    Hood/Spiderman/Patch if it is against bad Maggia. Hood blue theft just feeds Spidey endlessly.

    Modern Storm/Patch/GSBW otherwise. Lots of Board Control and 5 Green Berserk has no negative consequence.

    If you don't have covers that good that M.Storm/Cap/Whatever should be able to deal with anything thrown at you really.
  • If they're all goons, Patch is a de facto member of your party because Berserker Rage has almost no drawback against goons.

    The other two characters you use depends on the exact fight. For defensive purposes Spiderman is obviously at top, followed by Magneto (who is also great on offense of course), and then after that you get into more matchup specific thing. For example Thor and GSBW can defend against green well.
  • 4 or 5 in black for Original Black Widow make her a great partner with Patch for PVE.

    Her at max, Loki at 80 and Patch are my go to team against goons that have scary firepower.
  • Patch, Dr Doom, IM40. Damage, lots of it, and fast.

    Unless the Maggia has one of those "Don" characters that generates / steals AP, and can blow all countdowns for ungodly damage - then IM40 takes off the suit to reveal - Spider-Man !
  • Hulk/GSBW/Spidey - Slow but safe

    You don't even need to stunlock. Hulk and Widow chew through boards destroying any countdown tiles. If a countdown tile gets off, you just throw Hulk out there to take a hit and spam the board with green and you are off to the races again. Spidey is just there 'just in case' you need a quick stun (to help build up AP) or a finishing heal-up if Hulk takes a few hits.
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I don't have the patience to go through manipulating timers - to me it just prolongs the time that you actually do have to make those matches. I just go for characters that attack many tiles at once, like storm, hulk, or juggernaut. My experience is that those attacks generally take out the timers. But I also need someone with a lot of health to absorb those hits that I can't match.