SilentKnights recruiting for top 25 pve alliance

Of_Insidious_Mists Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
edited May 2016 in MPQ Alliances
We need a few people who can consistantly hit the Legendary Token and help us become more dominant in the pve world without always having to sub people in and out.

We've been as high as top 10 and we always get the top 100 cover for new charecters. We put in good showings during alliance wide events like ultron and galactus.

We don't have any pvp requirements as of yet one day we'd like to get there but we are a ways off. No special chat requirements like line or anything as of yet. We chat in game for most part.

We are mostly looking for consistency hitting the top progression in story mode so we all reap the most rewards. Don't have to have a killer roster but having most of them will help since you'll be able to compete better with all the essentials.
If you think you can help us out and want to give us a try post here or pm me.


  • Of_Insidious_Mists
    Of_Insidious_Mists Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Need to shake things up! New people to bring energy and life back to a pretty badass pve alliance, people who can help our pvp score too, we are on the cusp of top 100 but still a long way off. Not sure how many people I am looking for at this time, thinking if someone can make an improvement to our family I have no choice but to find room for them. Looking for someone who hits progression in pve and than some on releases. Pvp don't really have any set limits but preferably someone who can hit 500+ and who is looking to improve on that. We have a few who hit 1k+ per event and inching slowly towards becoming a top 100 hybrid alliance would be nice. We have some great players on our team, just need to surround them with other great players. New release coming up and if you can bring it and want to join an alliance that can help you get that extra cover look no further. We haven't missed out on one since I've been here and that was back when Mr not so Funtastic was released.

    If your interested in joining, pm me tell me a bit about your game ie pvp avg and season score, normal pve progression level, and current roster strength level, if you can improve our small tight knit family we would be more than happy to have you join.

    Sincerely, alchemists - SilentKnights
  • Vanillaice
    Vanillaice Posts: 12
    Love to join, kinda new to the game but already have made great strides, finished top 5 in pve already twice with just a month in the game play every day need alliance that actually competes, laid back chill willing to grind
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    Hi, I used to be on KA Stars, got burnout, took a break, now back again, like to pve mostly, always at least to get the legendary token. Current guild name: Power Crowd, username: Pollozz. Last season on pvp got 8900 points. If u are interested lmk, ill be checking this thread in the future. Thks ahead.
  • DocQ
    DocQ Posts: 4
    Still have any openings? I have maxed/championed 3 and 4 star characters and always get full rewards in PVE and perform well in PVP as well (1st in Black Vortex). My MPQ ID is: Quest-Q. Let me know, thanks
  • Of_Insidious_Mists
    Of_Insidious_Mists Posts: 28 Just Dropped In
    Hmm sorry I guess I should update this, thanks for your interest! Some of you look pretty impressive and like you'd fit in and be able to tear it up with us, but we filled up and are running real good right now. Always room for improvement but I think at this time it's best that the improvement comes from within. Not expecting you to be free agents for long, in fact as I'm writing this you've already probably found a spot on another alliance. If for some reason a spot opens up I'll definitely hit up the people who replied to this thread, but at this point in time we are 20 strong and as of this moment everyone's position is safe.