report player button

We need a button next to ppl's name in thier roster to report them. Be it for a disrespectful name or more likely due to suspected cheating it would help a lot as currently I just don't feel like going through the hassle of a ticket. when I find someone I think might be cheating multiple tines a day. It would expedite the process and leave the help tickets for actual help and not endless supplies of "this guy might be cheating."


  • I can't help but think that they already get a ton of false positives (or would it be false negatives?). Seems like this would just ramp it up to insane levels. "What? These 5 people are all ahead of me after my marathon run of grinding? They must all be cheaters! Gotta report 'em all!"
  • I like this idea. There will be abuse but if customer support filters...this can help gameplay overall. Make sure the button is big and has a confirmation screen.
  • Well, of course Customer Support is going to filter them. Just like they presumably do now. But the more time they spend figuring out who's really cheating, the less time they have for other things.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Yeah, this would increase the number of reports a hundred fold...which isn't a good thing. The number of false claims is likely already pretty high.
  • Being an in game button its not a help ticket, where each one needs to be checked, but rather a tally that, once a certain number is reached, sends an automated ticket about a player at which point they review it. There is a reason why most companies that are big online use a report button instead of having tickets sent for each and every offense.