Make changing powers 'inspectable'

DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards
(I'm playing on iOS, I dunno if that makes any difference but...)

Something that's been bothering me: there are some characters that have 'changing' powers. For example, Antman's purple power description: "While this trap tile is on the board, this power becomes Grow".

Well, great. But in-game, we have no way to see what 'Grow' does, unless we actually play a match and trigger the power.

I propose:
  • On the character screen on a power 'tab', make a click toggle between the first and second power.
  • While playing a match, if you bring up the power description, currently if you click the description it will cause the description to close. Make it so that in case of a changing power, a click will make it go to 'page 2', and only *after* that close.


  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    posted this in suggestions a while back because some are well explained (i.e. vision is very well explained, ice is good) and some are not = antman, OML - good luck finding what those are in game without actually manipulating a match to show it. what gets me is that when you flip the power, the description is there - in game. but unless you're in a match and activate it, there's no way to find what that alternate power does (other than the character thread on the forum).

    posted in suggestions:

    response was a resounding chorus of crickets. I guess nobody cares about knowing what the heck their abilities do.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards