PvE Scaling Calculation

edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Hey guys,

Haven't visited forum for awhile and didn't have time to check whether the info similar to this has been posted or not, so please excuse me if some of you already known this.
But for those who don't know, today we're going to talk more about "how to calculate your PvE Hard/Deadly node level"
There have always been many theories and assumptions behind on how to derive our PvE scaling. The most common knowledge is that our scaling come from "average level of your highest level characters" and "personal performance during battles" (from hereon will be called personal scaling).

What I wanted to show you guys in this thread is about how to roughly calculate your highest level node in the PvE sub by doing some maths.
Firstly, we need to go into the pre-battle screen, where the characters are lined up and you can heal your characters here.
When you are at this screen, the level of characters will include the weekly boosts and PvE boosts.
The important part is PvE scaling uses these boosted levels to calculate. It does not use the normal levels in your roster to calculate your scaling!
I've gathered some data and calculated to provide examples as shows below.

The left column on each table shows boosted levels of your first highest level characters BUT these data are from Heroic PvE event to emphasis that they only include the usable characters to calculate your scaling in that current sub (similar example would be like how your scaling is lower in EOTS PvE when your 5* OML is not usable, but when he comes back on last couple subs your scaling go up again)

The right column on each table shows the average level of first highest 3, 4, 5, ... characters.
The reason to do this is because this is where your mysterious factor comes into play. This factor should be the so-called personal scaling.

The numbers on the top right on each table shows the levels of 3 highest level nodes in the same sub.
If you check these numbers you can see the correlation between the highest level node and the average level of certain amount of characters.
For example, my highest level node is equal to the average level of first 6 highest characters, while Mr.S' highest level node is equal to the average level of his first 7 highest level characters.

From now let's just call this "number of first xx highest level characters" as "N" coz it's way too long and confusing to read.

The data shows that the value of "N" that will be used to calculate your node level can vary. The higher the number, the lower scaling becomes.
Which leads us to the original assumption of how personal performance during battle can affect your level. Aside from the sharp rise in level (+20 levels after a few clears), your personal performance seems to affect the part as well. For example, Mr.S and Mr.FL might be taking a lot of damages and thus, get lower lv node by having "N" = 7. While Mr.L and Mr.LL might be using AP boosts and take far less damages during battles than the aforementioned individuals and get to enjoy high level node by having "N" = 5.

*Please note that the information of nodes level shows above sometimes did not come from the individual freshly started the sub.
So amount of clears have been added which can roughly calculate on what the original level would be.
I also used a few more samples to calculate, but brought up only 8 samples should be enough to explain these.

Lastly, these explanations and data might not help you guys on anything, but what I really wanted to tell you is that... if you don't want to get ridiculous scaling, please don't just throw in ISO into the characters that you don't use! even 3*s are better off staying at lv120, because once they are maxed and get boosted in PvE they become level 240 which is similar to have a 4* at level 240!
Please also note that these assumptions and calculations are made by me, so therefore, some errors can happen along the way. But at least it should provide some general ideas of how to derive the scaling.

Highest level node in PvE sub = "average level of N highest level characters after boosted"
N varies between 4 to 7, depends on your personal performance during the matches. If you suck, you get to enjoy slightly lower level nodes icon_e_smile.gif

Mod Edit. Moved to Theories and Statistics