Proposed character: Rogue

D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
Hy there,

I know Rogue is one of the characters some of us (if not all) are missing from this game. So here is my propose for a new 3 star character: Rogue (X-Men)

Rogue ( star.pngstar.pngstar.png )
Once a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Rogue has since become a veteran member of the X-Men. After many years, she has finally gained conscious control of her power to absorb the thoughts, abilities and memories of others through physical contact. She is currently a member of both the Avengers Unity Squad and the X-Men team, based out of Jean Grey's School for Higher Learning.

Rogue possesses the mutant ability to absorb the psyche and abilities of another human being through skin contact. Rogue can absorb the memories, knowledge, talents, personality and physical abilities (whether superhuman or not) of the person she touches, as well as occasionally duplicating in herself physical characteristics of her victim. The victim loses those abilities and memories for exactly the amount of time that Rogue possesses them. This absorption usually leaves the victim weakened and sometimes renders them unconscious.

greenflag.png 10
"A way with men" (yes, Rogue has a way with men - Storm)
Rogue drains energy from her victims, but her body can't handle the borrowed memories and pain, so she blast a powerful energy wave in response.

Level 1: Takes 100 damage to herself for each enemy in the fight, and deals 300 damage + 200 damage for every enemy in the fight, to the enemy team (max 300/900 dmg)

Level 2: Takes 150 damage for each enemy and deals 500 damage + 300 for each enemy, to the enemy team (max 450/1400 dmg)
Level 3: Takes 250 damage for each enemy and deals 800 damage + 400 for each enemy, to the enemy team (max 750/2000 dmg)
Level 4: Takes 300 damage for each enemy and deals 1000 damage + 500 for each enemy, to the enemy team (max 900/2500 dmg)
Level 5: Takes 400 damage for each enemy and deals 1400 damage + 700 for each enemy, to the enemy team (max 1200/3500 dmg)

yellowflag.png 5
"Come on, Sugar!" (Come on, pretty boy... make a girl feel welcome)
Rogue uses her beauty to distract the enemies.

Level 1: Put a 3-turn Countdown tile on the board. While this Countdown is active, all friendly green and black abilities cost 1AP less to cast.

Level 2: purple abilities also
Level 3: 4-turn Countdown
Level 4: 2 AP less to cast
Level 5: red and blue abilities also

purpleflag.png 9
"Out cold"
Rogue drains a chosen target's energy until they are no longer able to react.

Level 1:Drain 2AP for each ability color of the chosen victim and put a 2-turn countdown tile on the board. While this countdown is active, chosen target can't use any abilities.

Level 2: Drain 3AP
Level 3: 3-turn Countdown
Level 4: Drain 4AP
Level 5: 4-turn Countdown

Let me know what do you think. If you like this, maybe D3 will give us Rogue.


PS. Working on Gambit now. icon_e_smile.gif

EDIT: Here is Gambit:


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    I believe this is the proper forum for these threads.
  • D4Ni13
    D4Ni13 Posts: 745 Critical Contributor
    Quebbster wrote:
    I believe this is the proper forum for these threads.

    Ah, sorry didn't see this section. Thanks icon_e_smile.gif
  • bobbyfish
    nice. I like the ability blocker, can't think of anything quite like that in the game at the moment
  • HeyoJayo
    One tweak I might throw out,

    While the countdown tile is on the board, her pink power temporarily becomes a random ability from the stunned target.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Purple would really be kind of a loaded power to match comics.

    purpleflag.png Draining Kiss 10 purpletile.png
    Rogue lays a kiss on the targeted enemy, debilitating them with her mutant power. Steals 2 AP in the targets strongest ability color and creates a 2-turn countdown tile. While this tile is on the board, Draining Kiss becomes the enemy's strongest color ability at the rank of Draining Kiss and using the enemy power's AP color.
    2. Steals 3 AP.
    3. Stuns targeted enemy 1 turn and creates 3-turn countdown tile.
    4. Stuns targeted enemy 2 turns.
    5. Steals 4 AP, stuns the enemy for 2 turns, and creates a 4-turn countdown tile.

    Wording might be confusing. Let's have an example. Target Daken. Normally, you would steal 2 blacktile.png , and Draining Kiss becomes Healing and Heat while the countdown is out. If the Daken doesn't have Healing and Heat, then it would take 2 purpletile.png and become Pheremone Rage, and if the only power Daken has is Chemical Reaction, then it steals 2 bluetile.png and becomes Chemical Reaction. If the enemy power is rank 5, but Draining Kiss is rank 1, then it acts like the rank 1 version of the stolen power. If you steal an active power, you need the color of the power rather than using purpletile.png AP.
    To look at another specific case, if she stole Recharge from Iron Man M40 and used it (rank specific amount of yellowtile.png ), the countdown wording on Recharge tiles would specify Rogue be stunned, and it would still do this, even if her Draining Kiss countdown expires and it isn't her power anymore. In the unlikely case the enemy also has Silver Surfer, she could use Draining Kiss on him (for Perfect Being) and not be stunned when Recharge finishes.

    Rogue's other powers would more likely reflect the permanent traits she gained from Carol Danvers or Wonder Man (and there's little need to be very specific, since she got heightened strength, durability, and flight from both). She could easily use an Airborne ability, taking herself and her target off the board before dropping them (maybe making a crater with them and giving the board a shake). And... protect tiles? Damage reduction? A direct punch? Honestly, the purple was the one I was thinking about before checking if someone else had made a Rogue post, so that's the one I tried to construct.
  • JeffCascadian
    JeffCascadian Posts: 665 Critical Contributor
    I haven't put pencil to paper or fingers to keyboard but my idea for Rogue has to do with her having a powers that stuns enemies and borrows their powers much like what zodiac339's Draining Kiss.
  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor

    Rogue's got to show up eventually.