Rating Reward points after being attacked.

I've no idea how these are generated, but in the SHIELD simulator this season, I've ran into some serious issues. I normally don't set a shield ( leaving myself open ) and always have a team featuring 3 fully loaded 3 star players as my team.

After being attacked probably a half a dozen times, I've noticed a disturbing pattern. I am attacked by a team which is either as strong or stronger than mine, yet I lose way more points in the loss than I can recoup by vanquishing my loss. The ultimate example was where I lost 23 points to a team with 3 270 level 4 star characters, but could only win 1 point back by beating them. That is the ultimate example, which in my view is just wrong. Many of the other attacks I've lost have resulted in me losing 15-25 points, yet consistently, I can win back 1-5 points if I beat them. Is there a reason for this? It seems, on it's face, ridiculous. While we see 4 and 5 star characters being pushed out, this seemingly fundamental flaw goes unaddressed.

What gives?


  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    The points you lose can vary, but are often a measure of where you were ranked when they beat you compared to where they were ranked.

    The points you can earn by beating them are similarly rated- so in this example, it's very likely that the team you are seeing is lower than yours and is ranking up, and as a result is not worth the points to beat.

    They also reduced the points from winning back against other teams, due to it being exploited by high level players at one point.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    To put it another way, the points you get for a match are based upon the difference between the two player's scores. If you beat someone with about the same score as you, you will get 38 points. If they're much higher then you, it could be worth up to 75 points. But if they're much lower, it could be worth as little as 1 point.

    The score value has nothing directly to do with what characters are in the team. Of course, a stronger team is likely to achieve a higher score, and thus become a more tempting target.