Billy Club not disappearing/Random Beast Specials

Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
Playing today's Big Enchilada, Wave 2. Enemies are 3* CM, Beast, and DD. DD fired off Billy Club. I have since downed him, but the BC tile is still out. Shouldn't it have disappeared when he went down?

And now random blue special tiles are appearing without Beast's Mutagenic CD tile out.


  • Did you click on the tile to check who owned the CD tile? Billy club and mutagenic could both be fired on the same turn if the goons generated 15 blue AP.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    rtomek wrote:
    Did you click on the tile to check who owned the CD tile? Billy club and mutagenic could both be fired on the same turn if the goons generated 15 blue AP.

    There were no goons in that wave - the enemies were 3* Captain Marvel, Beast, and Daredevil. Besides, in neither instance is it a matter of the powers firing without the proper AP.

    The issue with DD's Billy Club is that the CD tile stayed out after he was downed. I thought countdowns disappeared after the owner went down.

    With Beast's Mutagenic, a protect and attack tile both appeared without a CD tile having been placed.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Kind of sounds like it was Beast's tile that stayed out when DD went down, and that's where the special tiles came from.

    I've never seen a countdown stay out after the character creating it was downed. Cue my first fight against Phoenix...