Hypothetical 4* PvP events - What should they look like?

mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I've seen a lot of suggestions in various threads (and have no doubt made a few myself) for PvP events that reward 4* covers as actually reachable placement rewards (i.e. not top 1). I think (or maybe just am naively hopeful) these events are not so far in the future, so I'm starting this thread to get some discussion going on what you'd like them to look like and/or what you think they SHOULD look like. I've got a few ideas of what they could do so I'll throw a few out there. I'm interested to hear what you guys think of my ideas and some of your own ideas as well. On to the possibilities!

Buy-in events: I don't know how popular these have been in the past, but I know I was never interested in competing with some of the top players in the game for just a guaranteed 3* token or two. I forget all the available rewards, but none of them seemed worth parting with my hard-earned hp. Multiple 4* in placement rewards would definitely make me want to enter one of these events though. They could run alongside the usual season events, maybe once a week? People would complain about them always being on the weekend, so maybe rotate throughout the 3 different PvP "slots" to keep people happy?

Once a week 4* featured events: Place a 4* featured event as normal season events not just as release events. You can reward 4* as placement for the next scheduled 4* event perhaps. These would be the same events as release PvPs just re-ran at normal times with 4* rewards.

Normal 3* featured events: Exactly what we have now, but better rewards! As others have suggested, these could be "opt-in" type events where you get to choose what level of rewards you are playing for when you enter an event and get placed with only other players also going for those rewards. I'm not sure time slices could still be a thing in this setup since dividing up the player base even more could be an issue with bracketing.

There's also reward structure to be discussed. I assume full-on top 100 for 1 cover of a 4* is going to be too generous for the devs, but maybe top 50 for 1 cover? top 20 (or 10?) for 2? top 5 for 3? Winner gets a legendary token on top of it for that chance at a 5*. What would you guys like to see the reward structure look like?

Should these be season events or completely separate? They can run alongside normal season content as purely additional events, or kept as only offseason events. Lots of options here as well.

For Buy-ins, what should they cost to enter? What should the rewards be? What would you be willing to pay assuming a non-insulting reward structure?


  • MarvelMan
    MarvelMan Posts: 1,350
    IIRC for the early buy-in events top prize was HP plus one of ever 3* cover.....not sure that is viable (or worth it) even upgraded to 4* these days. Maybe, MAYBE, one of each 5* plus some CP would be suitable....but I still wouldnt have the desire to even try for it based on what I saw happen when they were last run.

    For the buy-in vs value, the cost was slightly higher than the cost of a Heroic (I think it was heroic?) token and the progression rewards, plus iso earned throughout, made it a winning proposition even for non placement. I would, personally, much prefer a 3* token for participation and a legendary as a progression, say at 1k?, plus a legendary for T100 or so.

    The difficulty for me is I HATE HATE HATE HATE the randomness of tokens as rewards for high placement/progression. I hit 1300 once since the introduced it....because I pulled an unneeded 4*. With the other legendarys Ive earned I had a streak of 7 unneeded at one point....it just is demoralizing. I think I only have four 4*s covered too! So if they came up with a rainbow token or something that granted one cover for a char, or even just one of any 4* cover desired, then it would be much more appealing.
  • DrLemniscate
    DrLemniscate Posts: 55 Match Maker
    Featured 4* pvp events should rotate between characters with both a 4* and 3*, and characters with a 4* and no 3*.

    Pvp events of the first type would be featured character events, where any 4* or less of that character can be used in the featured slot. This will help out the 4* transitioners, since a fully covered and boosted 3* is usually better than a partially covered 4* that is also boosted. May as well also allow 5*, but I don't think D4 is planning on giving them boosts anytime soon

    It will also add variety, since the 3* may be more useful in the right team, even with both maxed.
  • Let's look at the future 4* PVP within the entire game, as a whole, rather than isolated within PVP. We know that they don't like that people are limiting their roster levels as part of progression but we also know that it's currently one of the best ways to keep PVE for competition. We also know that methods of obtaining 4*s, while technically have increased, are still lacking.

    If we had maybe one out of every three PVPs become a 4* PVP that also rewards 4* with the same top 100 reward tiers because, let's be honest, the 3* reward tiers should be expanded to something closer to the top 150 we have in PVE now. Considering the fact that we get two new 4*s every month, this isn't far fetched as it mirrors the 3* release schedule back when they were coming out. Additionally, while this does mirror the reward tiers of the 3* PVP, it still doesn't flood everyone with 4*s since it's only 1/3 of the PVPs that would have 4*s as a the top 100 reward vs. 3*s.

    On top of ensuring that there's more flow of 4*s obtained through competition, it also creates an incentive for people to level their 4*s before they get optimally covered. There's essentially zero reason to currently put iso until they are covered well enough to use them because the marginal improvements through leveling don't offer much of any benefit.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think they should run 2 out of 3 PVP's to be 4* essentials over the 3* character. By having a system that in some brackets top 100 is over 1000 points is a big roster highly leveled game. Hitting top 100 for a 3* transitioning player can be all but impossible for a 2-3* player. Make top 100 a 4* reward or a top 50 a 4* reward and the 50-150 a 3* reward. There are enough 4* in the game to make this still take time to transition to 4*. If you take a look at the players getting top 5 in PVP they generally don't need the covers. Heck a lot of players in the top 50 don't need the 3* cover.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Not interested in buy-in events. There are already too many P2W folks running around with their 5*s and lv345 X23s and RHulks. It's bad enough I have to see them in regular PvP. Not interested in paying for the opportunity to get trampled by them in a side event.

    I wouldn't overcomplicate it. Run two PvP concurrently. One is restricted to 3* characters and under, and the other is open to any characters and offers more 4* prizes.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Here's what I'd like to see:

    Current PVP reward structure remains the same - can only use 3*'s, which rotate buffs. (Alternatively: can use 4*'s, but they don't get a buff in it).

    4* PVP's you can use anything (including 5*), 3* and 4* both have rotating buffs. All 3* rewards (800 progression, T100 individual and alliance rewards) replaced with 4* rewards instead.

    Edit - this would allow the 3*'s to move to 4* (easier to get top rewards against non 4*), and the 4*'s to move into 5*'s - perhaps even #1 could reward a 5* cover, or put legendaries at both 1000 and 1300 since 800 is now the 4*. Actual transition for both tiers!
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    All I want, and all I think the game needs is a 4* version of the current PVP : exactly identical in all regards except for the featured character and prizes being upped 1 tier (except maybe, by the 1k progression reward which shouldn't be a 5*, but maybe an LT.)
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I guess they'd look like the actual 4* PvP events already in-game.
  • I'd love to see a 4* PvP event at least once a week that awarded 4* covers for top 100 placement as well as the 800, 1000, 1300 progressions.

    I think that would go a long way toward fixing the 4* transition problems.
