Better alternative to selling us ISO

As we can see in many threads around here, the value of the ISO sold for real money is considered very very low, to the apex of ludicrous (Yes, I'm among the first in this crusade, but it's really common sense I think).

(levelling a 3* hero from 15 to 141 is somewhere in the range of 300-400$ if you already have the 13 covers)

The forumites are most of the times, advanced hardcore players, well ahead in the game. And are very held back in supporting the game with such bad values, often just turning to buy HP or staying their wallets.

Starting players have some little value in buying ISO, but it decreases over time.

Here is a suggestion for the Devs and players to think about.

Instead of selling ISO, the game should sell us some cute LEVEL UP TOKENS.
Very simple, apply a token to a character with enough covers to being able to level up, and he/she levels up by 1.
It would have a quite good value regardless of how far advanced a player is.

THIS would sell pretty big IMO. Much more tempting AND honest.

Feel free to congratulate or insult me for the idea icon_mrgreen.gif

Little side note.
This would NOT be pay-to-win.
Heric points are pay-to-win. Extra covers, boost, shields, etc. you name it.
Iso sales and the would be lvl up tokens are pay-to-not-grind. Exchanging time for money, or money to time, depending on what has the best value for you.