Add bonus Standard tokens (or similar) to placement rewards

Pogo Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
I've played the multi-day PVE events pretty consistently for the past couple weeks. I'm not an amazing player; I frequently find myself anywhere in from top 400 to top 10 on a given day, depending on powered characters, available time, etc.

The thing is, the rewards for the good-but-not-great tiers are kinda underwhelming.
I'm not talking about the end-of-event, final tally placement, I mean the "end of day 1, 5 days remain" stage.

Using today as an example (Dark Avengers-Heroic, Facilities):
  • Everybody in the top 50 gets some HP and some ISO and at least one event-weighted Heroic token.
  • 51-100, 101-200, and 201-300 all get no HP, exactly one weighted Heroic, and a varying amount of ISO.
  • 401-500, 501-600, 601-800 only get ISO and Standard tokens, but the higher tiers pay out more of those tokens.

(I assume this is pretty copy/paste for daily leaderboards in an ongoing event)

If I'm ranked 240th and there's a few hours left, I can check the leaderboard and check the point values of my nodes and get a rough estimate of how high I can climb in the remaining time. If I win a bit more and break top 200, or even if I bust my butt and break 100 (knowing, in this example, that I do not have a chance at top 50 or any more progression rewards), all I see is a little extra ISO (maybe or maybe not more than what I'll already earn for clearing the nodes repeatedly), and I don't really want to keep healing my team for that pittance. I'll either see what other events are going or just exit the game and let my health refill.

It would be nice if there were more pronounced value differences between the tiers, especially tiers with no HP awarded.

Say, for example, that 301-down gets a regular Heroic, 201-down gets an event-Heroic, 101-down gets the event-Heroic plus one or two Standards, 51-down adds more Standards. After that you're into HP-tiers.

"but Standard tokens can be bought for 500 ISO, therefore adding a standard token is equivalent to just adding 500 ISO"

Well, kinda, but not really. You could debate whether the "value" of a Standard token is determined by its purchase price or the sale price of its contents, which would more realistically be a range between 100-500 (statistically making a single Standard token "worth" less than the purchase price). The purchase price is also technically worth more considering you have the choice as to whether to spend it on tokens or levels.

And really, there's a slight difference in the way you perceive a chance at getting a thing vs a chance at getting enough currency for that thing or something else.

I'm not asking for HP payouts for lower tiers, or for Heroic tiers to get more Heroic tokens. Just something to punch up the perceived value gap a little more. Standard tokens seem like an obvious choice, since they're trivial enough for many players to collect several per day anyway, and don't have an HP cost, so the effect on the IAP shop/player spending would be negligible.