Roster slot price suggestion

Natsufan01 Posts: 259 Mover and Shaker
Sorry if this has been suggested but I couldn't find it anywhere. I came up with an idea that might please the player base without really reducing the game's income and possibly even increase it. I'm just not sure if it is even possible.

What about having roster slot that are limited to certain level characters? For example, have a roster slot that can only take a 1 star character but have it only cost 100hp. 2 star characters maybe 250hp, 3 star at 500hp, 4 star at 750 and 5 star 1000hp. And those are the maxes, each group would have a progressive increase in cost up to the max

The way I see it, people will still spend a lot on 4 star and above, but won't feel so bad keeping 1 star and 2 stars for ddq. You may even have extra spending since it wouldn't take as much to keep a full roster. Player base would be happier, even if it's not perfect for them. People will still be buying roster slots, but probably would buy more at the reduced costs just to keep as many characters as they could.