Grind Count: PVE Legendary Token

Billigoat Posts: 71
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
How many Missions does an MPQ player have to play to earn a legendary token?

I've heard it usually takes 3 clears a day, so using the current sub-event node-count of 9, that would be 27 battles a day, plus roughly 1-5 main event nodes, so round that up to 30. Multiplied by 4 days and you've got 120 battles to earn legendary token for 4-day events.

But that might all be hearsay. I'm curious what the actual count is for people who've earned legendary tokens this way.

If you earn a legendary token for a PVE event and you remember how many missions you played (or have a decent estimate), please post below what your mission count was when you earned it and what event it was for.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Got the current heroic token with 23 hours left. First sub was just 3 clears, with some trivial and goon only node grinding for iso.. 2nd sub , 3 clears with the same, doing some easy and goon only for iso.. 3rd sub, had the token by the end of the trivial lines, before first full clear.

    T100 in first sub
    t50 in 2nd sub
  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,401 Chairperson of the Boards
    got mine right into the 3rd stage.. old man logan the healing cover... at least this makes the deadpool daily mostly a walk in the park now. 900 HP per turn almost nothing can hurt him
  • I've gotten the legendary on nearly all the pve events so far, the few I didn't, was because I didn't really try due to time constraints. But I usually do 2 full clears plus grind the easy nodes at the end of each 24 hour subevent. i'll do 3-4 clears on a 48 hour event. This gets me the legendary everytime, and I never have to use health packs! each clear usually takes me about 45 minutes....then I spend about 90 minutes on the grind at the end.
  • Omega Red
    Omega Red Posts: 366 Mover and Shaker
    Three clears per day usually lands me the legendary a day before event ends. This provided that I have all essential characters. Quite often I do an extra clear here and there whenever I feel like playing more or when I know I won't be able to play later.