Roster Diversity and Heroics

OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Anyone a little frustrated by the fact that you spend months building a diverse roster only to find most of it locked during this PVE? I'm beating this Heroic with the same 3 characters (with the exception of BP) that I did it with the last time this event came around when I was completely new.

Also I know it's rubbish timing and nothing else but boosting 2* Thor and 2* Wolverine during a Heroic was a tinykitty move, since they are going to be 2 of the most used characters during this event it means that if youre not quite in 3* land (like me) then they will also be the characters you're most likely to use during PVP as well forcing you to choose which event to compete in.


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards

    You already put this in the suggestions thread..

    heroics are hard, they are not new, they force you to make up weird teams to take down big nodes.. some of us love them, and find them very fun.. other hate them, and every time they run, one of these threads pop up.

    I fall in the category of a person who enjoys the challenge, even though i am just playing to the leg token and stopping (don't need the reward covers). My wife, almost threw her phone last night, pretty safe to guess which camp she falls in.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    dont like that event at all.

    first, x-23 is an essential.
    i targeted the bp placement reward in the last pve. id rather get a useful 3* cover than my first cover of a useless (useless as in "i have only a single cover", not the character) 4*

    second, that roster cut.
    i miss storm, obw and some others. i dont care if thor and wolvie are boosted.

    so yeah, didnt really play that one. will play for that bp reward though.
    dont really care about that leg token, either. hard to care about a token which i cant open or run the risk of having to sell a surfer or oml.

    jup, im also a member of camp "no fun, no mpq"
    everyone has their definition of fun, this one is just not mine i guess.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:

    You already put this in the suggestions thread..

    heroics are hard, they are not new, they force you to make up weird teams to take down big nodes.. some of us love them, and find them very fun.. other hate them, and every time they run, one of these threads pop up.

    I fall in the category of a person who enjoys the challenge, even though i am just playing to the leg token and stopping (don't need the reward covers). My wife, almost threw her phone last night, pretty safe to guess which camp she falls in.

    I think I made this thread first and then threw my two cents into the other one (or vice versa - not sure which). I get the challenge of doing that but they could at least give us different combinations to choose from, I didn't have IF and NF last time this event came round so can't say if they were available before but why not give us different combos instead? I used Wolvie, Thor and Magneto last time so it's not bringing anything different to the table for me. I know it's personal preference and some people will like these events (and it's my fault for being so insistent on picking up every LT that's available) but for me telling me to buy roster slots for new characters (a list which grows every month) and then saying I'm not allowed to use those characters that I paid roster slots for seems a bit odd.
  • Lemminkäinen
    Lemminkäinen Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    I didn't like Heroics back when I didn't have a usable 3* roster (IF + BP rocks). Now I find them fun but the 2* level is quite shallow taking into account that you will be facing the Dark Avengers a lot so they aren't of much use.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Malcrof wrote:

    You already put this in the suggestions thread..

    heroics are hard, they are not new, they force you to make up weird teams to take down big nodes.. some of us love them, and find them very fun.. other hate them, and every time they run, one of these threads pop up.

    I fall in the category of a person who enjoys the challenge, even though i am just playing to the leg token and stopping (don't need the reward covers). My wife, almost threw her phone last night, pretty safe to guess which camp she falls in.

    I think I made this thread first and then threw my two cents into the other one (or vice versa - not sure which). I get the challenge of doing that but they could at least give us different combinations to choose from, I didn't have IF and NF last time this event came round so can't say if they were available before but why not give us different combos instead? I used Wolvie, Thor and Magneto last time so it's not bringing anything different to the table for me. I know it's personal preference and some people will like these events (and it's my fault for being so insistent on picking up every LT that's available) but for me telling me to buy roster slots for new characters (a list which grows every month) and then saying I'm not allowed to use those characters that I paid roster slots for seems a bit odd.

    There aren't exactly a whole lot of 2*s left that can be put in .. remember, you are fighting Yelena, Daken, Ares, Moonstone, Bullseye.. so they are out.. so the 2* list is roughly the same every heroic. The 3* list , is not.. So you will always see the 2* heroes and mags in heroics.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scratch that, just checked the history of the event and its seems it does rotate. My roster is still early 3* transition so this event is tough for me.

    complaint retracted - it's only the same if you are a 2* player
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    heroics were soooo hard early on when I had a limited roster. I can completely relate to 2* players and 3* early transitioners. I will say that once you fill out a 3* roster, heroics are actually pretty fun. this one, fist/panther/deadpool can take just about anything down. kk was reinforcement. sub2 reinforcements suck but I did play fist/qs some.

    I remember the first couple of heroics I ran across and said - nope, not ready to take that on with no roster to choose from. it gets better, but heroics are tough on beginner/intermediate players.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    I have many well-rounded (but not max-level) 3*s, and that roster diversity is the only thing that makes Heroics tolerable.

    I suppose I could look at past Heroics to make a best guess as whom to level up next, but I'd rather have a overly-mediocre team that I know will have some useable characters than hope that my Top Five have make the cut.

    Sometimes, to last a marathon series of nodes, I'll put in mediocre characters on the easy nodes and save my gamers for the hard ones. Or, I'll have a team of two buffed guys and a ringer to eat damage.
  • puppychow
    puppychow Posts: 1,453
    the point of heroic events is to encourage players to buy slots to carry a bigger roster. Be thankful that D3 doesn't offer character debuts during heroics. Or else people will be raising pitchforks here. icon_twisted.gif
  • DaveR4470
    DaveR4470 Posts: 931 Critical Contributor
    The current heroic has actually encouraged me to level up my Quicksilver.

    Clearly, therefore, it is profoundly flawed and must be stopped.... icon_e_ugeek.gif
  • puppychow wrote:
    the point of heroic events is to encourage players to buy slots to carry a bigger roster. Be thankful that D3 doesn't offer character debuts during heroics. Or else people will be raising pitchforks here. icon_twisted.gif

    I want to say this was INDEED the case, lol, for a while it seemed like every new character was tied to a long Heroic PVE which was indeed awful. Perhaps my mangled memories of MPQ are off though, haha.
  • Cymmina
    Cymmina Posts: 413 Mover and Shaker
    I was wondering what was wrong with the forums when there wasn't a "Roster Diversity" complaint thread to go with the currently running Heroic event. Good thing the OP was here to save us.