4* Antman bug


Today I've seen twice an issue with 4* Antman and 2* Magneto. After I used "Ants! Ants! Ants!" power and deployed 3 tiles I used Magneto "Iron Hammer" ability. Tile was placed between red countdown tiles, so that will resolve between decreasing red tiles countdown. Red tiles, that resolved earlier were resolved (decreased countdown) again after blue countdown tile went to 0 and ability removed other tiles. IGN: mangol666

tl;dr: Ant man red countdown tiles may decrease it value at least twice per turn


  • Is this just a bug with Antman or is the issue that the board was shaken up so a countdown that already reduced by 1, was then reduced by another 1 further down as the game carried on along the board?

    I think this is a similar issue we see with Scarlet Witch creating a match-5 for 2* Hawkeye, all Fast Shot arrows created under the Arcane Ritual tile count down one after being created.
  • Is this just a bug with Antman or is the issue that the board was shaken up so a countdown that already reduced by 1, was then reduced by another 1 further down as the game carried on along the board?

    Exactly as You wrote. Since that tile changed it position and went to lower place than where blue tile were it was again checked and reduced it countdown value.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a long-standing issue with countdown tiles.

    Use Daredevil's blue if you really want to see it happen a lot, since it will sometimes relocate itself below its current position after resolving. Daredevil hopes they never patch this one.
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just noticed this one myself in PVE. Assault Rifle and Unskilled Pistol shatter board and drop other CDs down, activating them a turn early. I think it was responsible for a wipe once when I was hit by two assault rifles in one turn.
  • This bug has been around since the beginning so I doubt they have any plans to look into it.
  • DayvBang wrote:
    This is a long-standing issue with countdown tiles.

    Use Daredevil's blue if you really want to see it happen a lot, since it will sometimes relocate itself below its current position after resolving. Daredevil hopes they never patch this one.

    I thought I was going nuts! Thank you for this, hadn't occurred to me that was what was happening when I carefully timed my stuns for a perma-stun lock then all 3 countdown tiles suddenly stun on the same turn...
  • Yep, countdowns go from left to right starting at the top row and continues on each row until it gets to the bottom right corner. The countdown tiles don't have an attribute that labels them as already counted down during a turn, so if one countdown tile ends up in a space that hasn't been scanned yet it gets counted down. It's a pretty common occurrence and can be solved by adding a single attribute to the countdown tile.
  • FrostKnux
    FrostKnux Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
    I also hit an Antman bug. His pym particles targeted Professor X's invisibility tile.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    You overwrote his invisibility tile with the trap or with an attack tile?
  • I am stuck on the ant man missions to get ant man the 4 wave one is hard loads of people are complaining about it can we sort it please
  • devil 101 wrote:
    I am stuck on the ant man missions to get ant man the 4 wave one is hard loads of people are complaining about it can we sort it please

    I'm not sure there's any bug here... It's supposed to be difficult, you only have to beat it once to get the cover!