Personal Star Rankings
Posts: 1,183 Chairperson of the Boards
Ok one of the things I've always wondered about is how characters get classified as 1*, 2* etc. I've attempted to re-classify the current characters in MPQ according to their relative powers in the accepted Marvel-616 universe, as well as other media like film. Some notes:
1) This is NOT based on their current in-game abilities. If so, Quicksilver and Rags would be definite 1*. By extension, this has nothing to do with current metagames either.
2) I've tried to be as objective as possible, but I also realise 1* characters are important for new players. Hence some characters I've left at 1* despite wanting to elevate them. I've also tried not to have different versions of the same character at the same star level.
3) This is PURELY FOR FUN. I'm not taking at swipe at the game design, designers or anything. Just simply something I'm doing for leisure.
4) This is MY PERSONAL OPINION. I'm sure all of you have your own opinions as well.
5) Sorry for the very long post! There are 86 characters after all Maybe i should break it up
6) I've only included playable characters. So no Ultron, Gorgon, or Galactus
I'm sure there'll be many opinions and disagreements regarding my classifications. Please feel free to argue and debate (civilly, of course) and state what classifications you would give to which characters and why. Have fun!
EDIT: formatting fixed!
SILVER SURFER. Current: 5* Personal Opinion: The Herald of Galactus, possesses a ridiculous amount of power. Perfectly fine. My Verdict: 5*
OLD MAN LOGAN. Current: 5* Personal Opinion: Er, how is he a 5*? He's not a leader either, so I'd probably put him as a 3*. My Verdict: 3*
PHOENIX. Current: 5* Personal Opinion: One of the most powerful forces in the Marvel Universe. No arguments. My Verdict: 5*
ANT-MAN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Er, what is he the leader of? An army of ants? And he isn't the most powerful character either. A 3* at most, or dare I say even a 2*? My Verdict: 2*
CARNAGE. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Murdering psychopath. I know he once led an entire army of symbiotes, but I just can't see him above 3*. My Verdict: 3*
CLASSICLOPS. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Fearless leader of the X-Men. Says it all. My Verdict: 4*
XPOOL. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: No you're not a leader or some super-powerful dude. Just a member of X-Force. My Verdict: 3*
DEVILSAUR. Current: 4* Personal Opinion:Ok he's a huge dinosaur. Pure brute force. Er, yea. I remember when he was an unplayable 1*. So now he'll be a playable 1*. My Verdict: 1*
ELEKTRA. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Similar to Antman. How is she a 4*? She's an assassin who gets employed by people. End of. My Verdict: 3*
ICEMAN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Well, he's an Omega mutant. I would have preferred him to be the adult, fully-skilled Bobby Drake (on par with Emma Frost), but I suppose this will do. My Verdict: 4*
INVISIBLE WOMAN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: No no no she is not a 4*. My Verdict: 3*
HULKBUSTER. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Ok i'll admit, i'm biased towards the Hulkbuster design. And anyone who can stand toe-to-toe with Hulky deserves a high rating. My Verdict: 4*
JEAN GREY. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Same as Iceman. My Verdict: 4*
KINGPIN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Badass crime lord. And i loved Vincent D'Onofrio's performance. My Verdict: 4*
MR FANTASTIC. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the F4, super-genius. No doubt. My Verdict: 4*
NICK FURY. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. Not much debate here either. My Verdict: 4*
PROFESSOR X. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Founder and Leader of the entire X-Men, one of the most powerful telepaths. Easy call. My Verdict: 4*
RED HULK. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the Thunderbolts, but personally i'm still inclined to put him as a 3*, on par with Hulk. My Verdict: 3*
FALCAP. Current: 4* Personal Opinion:Leader of the New Avengers. And I love his suit too. My Verdict: 4*
STARLORD. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the GotG. I guess that gives him a pass? My Verdict: 4*
THING. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: This guy is pure brute force. Not a leader of anything. My Verdict: 3*
THORRINA. Current: 4* Personal Opinion:Ok she's apparently worthier than Odinson. And i admire Jane for fighting through her cancer. My Verdict: 4*
XVERINE Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the X-Force. No doubts. My Verdict: 4*
X-23. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Yes I love Laura Kinney. No, the All-New Wolverine is not a 4*. If she was in her X-Force uniform though...My Verdict: 3*
BEAST. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: One of thE original X-Men, medical expert, good fighter. Fine where he is. My Verdict: 3*
BLACK PANTHER. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Leader of Wakanda, connection to the Wakandan Panther God. Surely deserves more. My Verdict: 4*
GSBW. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Leader of the Avengers, super-Soldier serum. Fine where she is. My Verdict: 3*
BLADE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Badass vampire/vampire killer. My Verdict: 3*
BULLSEYE C Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Deadly accuracy, killed Elektra before. My Verdict: 3*
CAPTAIN MARVEL. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Hmm i'm veering between 3 and 4, purely due to her cosmic powers, and she's a good leader in her own right. Ah i'll be generous. My Verdict: 4*
COLOSSUS. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Brute force, kind heart. Hmm i'll give him a pass for being an X-Man. My Verdict: 3*
CYCLOPS UCX. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I think he's fine at one level below Classiclops, due to his being affected by the Phoenix Force. My Verdict: 3*
LDAKEN. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Nice mohawk and abs. Doesn't make him a 3*. My Verdict: 2*
DAREDEVIL. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Protector of Hell's Kitchen, radar sense, has trumped Kingpin on more than one occasion. No problems. My Verdict: 3*
DEADPOOL. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I initially was fine leaving him where he is, but since I've put Xpool at 3*, I'll move this guy down to 2*. My Verdict: 2*
DR DOOM. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: This guy is as smart as Reed, the ruler of Latveria, and has unwavering conviction. Whaddya mean he's only 3*?!?! My Verdict: 4*
DOCTOPUS. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: i'll give Otto a pass for being the Superior Spiderman. My Verdict: 3*
GAMORA. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I guess her reputation makes her worthy of being a 3*. My Verdict: 3*
HOOD. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Hmm i'm tempted to put him at 2*. But perhaps being associated with Dormammu bumps him up. My Verdict: 3*
HULK. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Pure brute force, strong as hell. My Verdict: 3*
HUMAN TORCH. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Flame On! Same class as my IW and Thing. My Verdict: 3*
IRON FIST. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Iron Fist of K'un Lun! Hi-yaahhh! My Verdict: 3*
IM40. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I'm a sucker for black and gold clothes. So his suit alone is worthy of 5*. As a whole though, 3* is fine. Just fix him already, yea? My Verdict: 3*
KAMALA KHAN. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Adorable Inhuman teen, and I love her comic. Dont think she's at 3* level though. My Verdict: 2*
LOKI. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: God of Mischief. If this was a Tom Hiddleston or Lady Loki version i'd immediately make him 4*. My Verdict: 3*
LUKE CAGE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Bulletproof badass. No problems here. My Verdict: 3*
CMAGS. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Leader of the Brotherhood, ruler of Genosha, House of M, master manipulator of magnetism, the X-Men's sworn nemesis (and occasional ally) is he not at Charles' level? My Verdict: 4*
MYSTIQUE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Honestly i'm wondering what makes her worthy of being a 3*. Perhaps being able to shapeshift into anyone and replicate their skills with apparently no experience? (It'd be really cool to see this mechanic in-game, where she can copy an opponent's powers) My Verdict: 3*
PSYLOCKE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Hmm. Think she's fine where she is, although I can see her as a 2*. Ah well she's an X-Man, so 3* it is. If there was an X-Force Psylocke that one would be 3* and this would be 2*. My Verdict: 3*
PUNISHER. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Same as Psylocke. My Verdict: 3*
QUICKSILVER. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Based on Evan Peters in DOFP, he's a bona fide 3*. Based on his current in-game self, he's a 1*. Please fix him devs. My Verdict: 3*
RAGNAROK. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Thor clone. Objectively he's fine as a 3*. In-game, like Quickie he needs a(nother) fix. My Verdict: 3*
GROCKET. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Cmon, who doesn't love Groot? My Verdict: 3*
FALCON. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: In terms of one level below Falcap, no problems. My Verdict: 3*
SCARLET WITCH. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Immensely powerful mystic. My Verdict: 3*
SENTRY. <b>Current:</b>3* Personal Opinion: This guy has ridiculous power. He can hold his own against Surfer and Phoenix. What is he doing here? My Verdict: 5*
SHE-HULK. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Smart lawyer, and I enjoy her series by Dan Slott and Charles Soule. My Verdict: 3*
SPIDERMAN. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: i'll leave him at 3* purely becuse he's one of the most famous Marvel heroes. Just give him Original Spidey's moveset yea? My Verdict: 3*
SQUIRREL GIRL. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: She defeated Thanos and Doom, and is BFFs with Galactus! Surely 5*, no? My Verdict: 5* (i don't even know if i'm joking or serious)
STEVE ROGERS. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: If Falcap is a 4*, Steve should be too. My Verdict: 4*
MOSTORM. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I'm tempted to swap her and CStorm. In fact, I will. My Verdict: 2*
LAZYTHOR. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: This guy is a god, same level as Thorrina. My Verdict: 4*
VISION. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: He has the Mind Stone. That's in his favour I guess? Also Paul Bettany was awesome in the film. My Verdict: 3*
PATCHVERINE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Yea fine where he is. EDIT: In retrospect, i'll swap him with 2* Wolvie. My Verdict: 2*
ARES. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: This dude is the frickin God of War. Level with Loki and Thor MN. My Verdict: 3*
OBW. Current: 2* Personal Opinion:Think she's fine where she is, the thief before she joined the good guys. EDIT I think I'll swap her with Modern Widow. <b>My Verdict: 1*</b>
BULLSEYE DA. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: No problems with a Hawkeye ripoff being 2*. One level below Classic Bullseye. My Verdict: 2*
MS MARVEL. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: I'll put her one level below Captain Marvel. My Verdict: 3*
DAKEN DAW. Current:2* Personal Opinion:Since I put Laken as 2*, this guy gets bumped down. My Verdict: 1*
MHAWKEYE. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: I'm tempted to put him at 3*, considering his archery prowess (and because he was redeemed in AoU). And he's an Avenger, dammit! My Verdict: 3*
BABY TORCH. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: I think he's fine purely for being a more accessible Human Torch for newer players. My Verdict: 2*
MAGNETO MN. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: Shouldn't he at least at the same level as Uncanny Cyclops? And one level below Cmags? My Verdict: 3*
MOONSTONE . Current: 2* Personal Opinion: Best character ever. No debates allowed. My Verdict: Infinite*
BAGMAN. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: HAHAHAHAHA i'm gonna swap this joker with Original Spidey. My Verdict: 1*
CAPTAIN AMERICA. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: Super Steve is a 4*, so it only follows that this guy should be a 3*. My Verdict: 3*
CSTORM. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: As i said, i'm swapping her with Mohawk. And if Beast, Colossus and Cyclops are 3*, Storm is too. My Verdict: 3*
THOR MARVEL NOW. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: He's the Thunder God! Should be the same level as Loki and Ares. My Verdict: 3*
ASTON WOLVIE. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: He's a X-Man like Cyclops, Beast, Colossus, Storm etc. In fact I think i'll swap him with Patch. My Verdict: 3*
MODERN WIDOW. Current: 1* Personal Opinion:Hmm i'm actually considering making her a 3*, or at least swapping with OBW. I mean, she's an integral part of the Avengers. My Verdict: 2*
CHAWKEYE. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: An entry-level character. My Verdict: 1*
IM35. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: Objectively, he's an Avenger, so he should be 3*. But I guess IM40 is fine there. IM35 is definitely more than a 1* though. My Verdict: 2*
JUGGERNAUT. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: Pure brute force. Although there's an argument for Cyttorak bumping him up... My Verdict: 1*
ORIGINAL SPIDEY. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: As mentioned, i'm swapping him with Bagman. My Verdict: 2*
MSTORM. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: Fine where she is as a baby Mohawk Storm. My Verdict: 1*
VENOM. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: Fine due to being Mac Gargan. If he were Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson he'd be 3* at least. My Verdict: 1*
YELENA. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: HAHAHAHA My Verdict: 1*
1) This is NOT based on their current in-game abilities. If so, Quicksilver and Rags would be definite 1*. By extension, this has nothing to do with current metagames either.
2) I've tried to be as objective as possible, but I also realise 1* characters are important for new players. Hence some characters I've left at 1* despite wanting to elevate them. I've also tried not to have different versions of the same character at the same star level.
3) This is PURELY FOR FUN. I'm not taking at swipe at the game design, designers or anything. Just simply something I'm doing for leisure.
4) This is MY PERSONAL OPINION. I'm sure all of you have your own opinions as well.
5) Sorry for the very long post! There are 86 characters after all Maybe i should break it up
6) I've only included playable characters. So no Ultron, Gorgon, or Galactus
I'm sure there'll be many opinions and disagreements regarding my classifications. Please feel free to argue and debate (civilly, of course) and state what classifications you would give to which characters and why. Have fun!
EDIT: formatting fixed!
SILVER SURFER. Current: 5* Personal Opinion: The Herald of Galactus, possesses a ridiculous amount of power. Perfectly fine. My Verdict: 5*
OLD MAN LOGAN. Current: 5* Personal Opinion: Er, how is he a 5*? He's not a leader either, so I'd probably put him as a 3*. My Verdict: 3*
PHOENIX. Current: 5* Personal Opinion: One of the most powerful forces in the Marvel Universe. No arguments. My Verdict: 5*
ANT-MAN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Er, what is he the leader of? An army of ants? And he isn't the most powerful character either. A 3* at most, or dare I say even a 2*? My Verdict: 2*
CARNAGE. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Murdering psychopath. I know he once led an entire army of symbiotes, but I just can't see him above 3*. My Verdict: 3*
CLASSICLOPS. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Fearless leader of the X-Men. Says it all. My Verdict: 4*
XPOOL. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: No you're not a leader or some super-powerful dude. Just a member of X-Force. My Verdict: 3*
DEVILSAUR. Current: 4* Personal Opinion:Ok he's a huge dinosaur. Pure brute force. Er, yea. I remember when he was an unplayable 1*. So now he'll be a playable 1*. My Verdict: 1*
ELEKTRA. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Similar to Antman. How is she a 4*? She's an assassin who gets employed by people. End of. My Verdict: 3*
ICEMAN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Well, he's an Omega mutant. I would have preferred him to be the adult, fully-skilled Bobby Drake (on par with Emma Frost), but I suppose this will do. My Verdict: 4*
INVISIBLE WOMAN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: No no no she is not a 4*. My Verdict: 3*
HULKBUSTER. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Ok i'll admit, i'm biased towards the Hulkbuster design. And anyone who can stand toe-to-toe with Hulky deserves a high rating. My Verdict: 4*
JEAN GREY. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Same as Iceman. My Verdict: 4*
KINGPIN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Badass crime lord. And i loved Vincent D'Onofrio's performance. My Verdict: 4*
MR FANTASTIC. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the F4, super-genius. No doubt. My Verdict: 4*
NICK FURY. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of S.H.I.E.L.D. Not much debate here either. My Verdict: 4*
PROFESSOR X. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Founder and Leader of the entire X-Men, one of the most powerful telepaths. Easy call. My Verdict: 4*
RED HULK. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the Thunderbolts, but personally i'm still inclined to put him as a 3*, on par with Hulk. My Verdict: 3*
FALCAP. Current: 4* Personal Opinion:Leader of the New Avengers. And I love his suit too. My Verdict: 4*
STARLORD. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the GotG. I guess that gives him a pass? My Verdict: 4*
THING. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: This guy is pure brute force. Not a leader of anything. My Verdict: 3*
THORRINA. Current: 4* Personal Opinion:Ok she's apparently worthier than Odinson. And i admire Jane for fighting through her cancer. My Verdict: 4*
XVERINE Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the X-Force. No doubts. My Verdict: 4*
X-23. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Yes I love Laura Kinney. No, the All-New Wolverine is not a 4*. If she was in her X-Force uniform though...My Verdict: 3*
BEAST. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: One of thE original X-Men, medical expert, good fighter. Fine where he is. My Verdict: 3*
BLACK PANTHER. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Leader of Wakanda, connection to the Wakandan Panther God. Surely deserves more. My Verdict: 4*
GSBW. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Leader of the Avengers, super-Soldier serum. Fine where she is. My Verdict: 3*
BLADE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Badass vampire/vampire killer. My Verdict: 3*
BULLSEYE C Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Deadly accuracy, killed Elektra before. My Verdict: 3*
CAPTAIN MARVEL. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Hmm i'm veering between 3 and 4, purely due to her cosmic powers, and she's a good leader in her own right. Ah i'll be generous. My Verdict: 4*
COLOSSUS. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Brute force, kind heart. Hmm i'll give him a pass for being an X-Man. My Verdict: 3*
CYCLOPS UCX. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I think he's fine at one level below Classiclops, due to his being affected by the Phoenix Force. My Verdict: 3*
LDAKEN. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Nice mohawk and abs. Doesn't make him a 3*. My Verdict: 2*
DAREDEVIL. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Protector of Hell's Kitchen, radar sense, has trumped Kingpin on more than one occasion. No problems. My Verdict: 3*
DEADPOOL. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I initially was fine leaving him where he is, but since I've put Xpool at 3*, I'll move this guy down to 2*. My Verdict: 2*
DR DOOM. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: This guy is as smart as Reed, the ruler of Latveria, and has unwavering conviction. Whaddya mean he's only 3*?!?! My Verdict: 4*
DOCTOPUS. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: i'll give Otto a pass for being the Superior Spiderman. My Verdict: 3*
GAMORA. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I guess her reputation makes her worthy of being a 3*. My Verdict: 3*
HOOD. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Hmm i'm tempted to put him at 2*. But perhaps being associated with Dormammu bumps him up. My Verdict: 3*
HULK. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Pure brute force, strong as hell. My Verdict: 3*
HUMAN TORCH. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Flame On! Same class as my IW and Thing. My Verdict: 3*
IRON FIST. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Iron Fist of K'un Lun! Hi-yaahhh! My Verdict: 3*
IM40. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I'm a sucker for black and gold clothes. So his suit alone is worthy of 5*. As a whole though, 3* is fine. Just fix him already, yea? My Verdict: 3*
KAMALA KHAN. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Adorable Inhuman teen, and I love her comic. Dont think she's at 3* level though. My Verdict: 2*
LOKI. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: God of Mischief. If this was a Tom Hiddleston or Lady Loki version i'd immediately make him 4*. My Verdict: 3*
LUKE CAGE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Bulletproof badass. No problems here. My Verdict: 3*
CMAGS. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Leader of the Brotherhood, ruler of Genosha, House of M, master manipulator of magnetism, the X-Men's sworn nemesis (and occasional ally) is he not at Charles' level? My Verdict: 4*
MYSTIQUE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Honestly i'm wondering what makes her worthy of being a 3*. Perhaps being able to shapeshift into anyone and replicate their skills with apparently no experience? (It'd be really cool to see this mechanic in-game, where she can copy an opponent's powers) My Verdict: 3*
PSYLOCKE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Hmm. Think she's fine where she is, although I can see her as a 2*. Ah well she's an X-Man, so 3* it is. If there was an X-Force Psylocke that one would be 3* and this would be 2*. My Verdict: 3*
PUNISHER. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Same as Psylocke. My Verdict: 3*
QUICKSILVER. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Based on Evan Peters in DOFP, he's a bona fide 3*. Based on his current in-game self, he's a 1*. Please fix him devs. My Verdict: 3*
RAGNAROK. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Thor clone. Objectively he's fine as a 3*. In-game, like Quickie he needs a(nother) fix. My Verdict: 3*
GROCKET. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Cmon, who doesn't love Groot? My Verdict: 3*
FALCON. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: In terms of one level below Falcap, no problems. My Verdict: 3*
SCARLET WITCH. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Immensely powerful mystic. My Verdict: 3*
SENTRY. <b>Current:</b>3* Personal Opinion: This guy has ridiculous power. He can hold his own against Surfer and Phoenix. What is he doing here? My Verdict: 5*
SHE-HULK. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Smart lawyer, and I enjoy her series by Dan Slott and Charles Soule. My Verdict: 3*
SPIDERMAN. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: i'll leave him at 3* purely becuse he's one of the most famous Marvel heroes. Just give him Original Spidey's moveset yea? My Verdict: 3*
SQUIRREL GIRL. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: She defeated Thanos and Doom, and is BFFs with Galactus! Surely 5*, no? My Verdict: 5* (i don't even know if i'm joking or serious)
STEVE ROGERS. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: If Falcap is a 4*, Steve should be too. My Verdict: 4*
MOSTORM. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: I'm tempted to swap her and CStorm. In fact, I will. My Verdict: 2*
LAZYTHOR. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: This guy is a god, same level as Thorrina. My Verdict: 4*
VISION. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: He has the Mind Stone. That's in his favour I guess? Also Paul Bettany was awesome in the film. My Verdict: 3*
PATCHVERINE. Current: 3* Personal Opinion: Yea fine where he is. EDIT: In retrospect, i'll swap him with 2* Wolvie. My Verdict: 2*
ARES. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: This dude is the frickin God of War. Level with Loki and Thor MN. My Verdict: 3*
OBW. Current: 2* Personal Opinion:Think she's fine where she is, the thief before she joined the good guys. EDIT I think I'll swap her with Modern Widow. <b>My Verdict: 1*</b>
BULLSEYE DA. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: No problems with a Hawkeye ripoff being 2*. One level below Classic Bullseye. My Verdict: 2*
MS MARVEL. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: I'll put her one level below Captain Marvel. My Verdict: 3*
DAKEN DAW. Current:2* Personal Opinion:Since I put Laken as 2*, this guy gets bumped down. My Verdict: 1*
MHAWKEYE. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: I'm tempted to put him at 3*, considering his archery prowess (and because he was redeemed in AoU). And he's an Avenger, dammit! My Verdict: 3*
BABY TORCH. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: I think he's fine purely for being a more accessible Human Torch for newer players. My Verdict: 2*
MAGNETO MN. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: Shouldn't he at least at the same level as Uncanny Cyclops? And one level below Cmags? My Verdict: 3*
MOONSTONE . Current: 2* Personal Opinion: Best character ever. No debates allowed. My Verdict: Infinite*
BAGMAN. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: HAHAHAHAHA i'm gonna swap this joker with Original Spidey. My Verdict: 1*
CAPTAIN AMERICA. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: Super Steve is a 4*, so it only follows that this guy should be a 3*. My Verdict: 3*
CSTORM. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: As i said, i'm swapping her with Mohawk. And if Beast, Colossus and Cyclops are 3*, Storm is too. My Verdict: 3*
THOR MARVEL NOW. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: He's the Thunder God! Should be the same level as Loki and Ares. My Verdict: 3*
ASTON WOLVIE. Current: 2* Personal Opinion: He's a X-Man like Cyclops, Beast, Colossus, Storm etc. In fact I think i'll swap him with Patch. My Verdict: 3*
MODERN WIDOW. Current: 1* Personal Opinion:Hmm i'm actually considering making her a 3*, or at least swapping with OBW. I mean, she's an integral part of the Avengers. My Verdict: 2*
CHAWKEYE. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: An entry-level character. My Verdict: 1*
IM35. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: Objectively, he's an Avenger, so he should be 3*. But I guess IM40 is fine there. IM35 is definitely more than a 1* though. My Verdict: 2*
JUGGERNAUT. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: Pure brute force. Although there's an argument for Cyttorak bumping him up... My Verdict: 1*
ORIGINAL SPIDEY. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: As mentioned, i'm swapping him with Bagman. My Verdict: 2*
MSTORM. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: Fine where she is as a baby Mohawk Storm. My Verdict: 1*
VENOM. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: Fine due to being Mac Gargan. If he were Eddie Brock or Flash Thompson he'd be 3* at least. My Verdict: 1*
YELENA. Current: 1* Personal Opinion: HAHAHAHA My Verdict: 1*
I like this idea. Thanks for fixing the formatting.0
I agree that each has its your opinion. Regarding Old Man Logan, read your history.When he can not pay the house rent and travels along with Hawkeye. Exterminates the Hulk family, except for one who turns his ally. There is no more heroes. Kill Red Skull with the shield of Captain America and ALL ask for it to fight the current villains.If he alone can handle all the villains and not 5 * then neither character can be considered 5 *.0
BlackBoltRocks wrote:
ANT-MAN. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Er, what is he the leader of? An army of ants? And he isn't the most powerful character either. A 3* at most, or dare I say even a 2*? My Verdict: 2*
You have a long post, so i will add to my reply as i get to things.
Ant-Man is the ultimate anti-everything.. Use your buffed Fistbusters, Jeanbusters, Carnage, Thing, etc... his blue goes out, using IF? Every turn you are giving him a buffed attack tile of your own making. Full of Surprises? Surprise, all those tiles are mine. Did you just Overdrive? Thanks for the free strikes to go with those attack tiles! Hulk proofed what again? Why those shields are mine! .. Here, have some more attack tiles in your face now that my purple is out.. did i not steal enough strikes from you? FINE, i will make my own.. after damaging you for a few rounds.. have fun! Definite 4*+BlackBoltRocks wrote:RED HULK. Current: 4* Personal Opinion: Leader of the Thunderbolts, but personally i'm still inclined to put him as a 3*, on par with Hulk. My Verdict: 3*
I will take your green and make you eat it! pretty much sums it up.. insanely high HP, HUGE aoe (one of the biggest in all of 4* land), AP depletion and generation in 1 ability, plus, doing damage to him does damage to you, and can cause cascades! He is my next 4* target.. wish i could whale him.. he is on his way to dominate 4* land soon.0 -
BlackBoltRocks wrote:vinicius18 wrote:I agree that each has its your opinion. Regarding Old Man Logan, read your history.When he can not pay the house rent and travels along with Hawkeye. Exterminates the Hulk family, except for one who turns his ally. There is no more heroes. Kill Red Skull with the shield of Captain America and ALL ask for it to fight the current villains.If he alone can handle all the villains and not 5 * then neither character can be considered 5 *.
Yes I read the Old Man Logan storyline last week. And I did take into consideration his killing of the X-Men, Red Skull, and the Hulk family. However, I argue that someone like Deadpool or X-23 could have done the same. And if you pit Old Man Logan against Surfer or Phoenix in terms of intrinsic power level, there's only one winner, and that isn't OML
The issue is not explicitly power alone, there are a number of factors that make a character worthy to be 5 *. Also, do not underestimate the Logan Fury state. Remember that he killed Jean Grey when faced Xorn.0 -
Great idea, and lots of fun!
I'd probably say that Scarlet Witch is a 4*. She alters the fabric of reality, and can change the entire world (even when she's a sandwich short of a full picnic). Look at the whole House of M debacle, and the fallout from that.0 -
morph3us wrote:Great idea, and lots of fun!
I'd probably say that Scarlet Witch is a 4*. She alters the fabric of reality, and can change the entire world (even when she's a sandwich short of a full picnic). Look at the whole House of M debacle, and the fallout from that.
Maybe even 5 *. She is among the most complete women of Marvel.0
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