Suggestions to keep MPQ fresh

Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
edited November 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
Okay so I know that command points are coming and I think that will help veteran and mid tier players accumulate 4* tokens and possibly 5*s. I think though there are a couple of things that I would like to see to help keep the game fresh to combat the inevitable burnout that I am feeling after playing for about a year straight. I look forward to the Ultron and Galactus events because they are something different. Here are a couple of things I would love to see to help break up the same old same old that I keep encountering.


1.) Come up with some new minions to fight....this would also tie in to suggestion 2. Let me give you some ideas that you could use with many villains: generic robots (obviously not Ultron bots), aliens, vampires, Hydra lackeys, Sentinels, Kree (I know you have done them abstractly in one of the events but really do them with mystique like shapechange etc) , generic monsters, lizard mutants (for Lizard Man), Frost Giants, etc.
2.) Come up with more villains to fight. Marvel has so many minor villains that I would love to see, not necessarily as playable characters but as opponents (like you have done with Gorgon). This would have to be much easier than trying to introduce a new character that is playable and you have to worry about game balance of the character. Let me give you some ideas: Mole Man, Absorbing Man, Black Cat, Jigsaw, Caliban, Blob, Electro, Mobius, Lizard Man, get the point

4* Events:

Remember when you did an Ant-Man themed event and everybody could get one Ant-Man token? That was awesome, I remember actually looking forward to the event not for the token though as much as hey this is something new! The token was nice though, now do that every few weeks for all 4* star characters so people have a shot to help build their 4* rosters like DDQ did for 3*. The token can be random as opposed to a guaranteed color like DDQ. If I remember, it was a very limited roster that you could use for the event too.

Retool 3* characters that need it, this would help PvP:

Iron Man Model 40 is top of the list. Revisit characters who are obviously under powered and under used. Your statistics of use will show you who these characters are and you know. Fix them so they are at least playable. Synergize some of them if need be with each other so we actually see them in play. PvP is so stale because you see almost the exact same teams all of the time....all of the time. PvP is extremely boring to me because of this. Make it so different team combinations can be effective and useful. Tweaking old characters shouldn't be that difficult as you have nerfed too powerful characters many times before.

Consider new players (ok I admit this one is a little off topic from the previous ones):

Keep in mind that as the game progresses the dynamics will be very different for new players vs. when veteran players started a couple of years ago. Your veteran players were all on the same playing field in a sense, no one had a huge lead. New players starting the game now will have a very different dynamic. They need to see a faster progress than vets did. I know veterans won't like that but hey tough luck. I am in a public non-competitive alliance and we have new players join many times. Most play for a while but seem to give up on the game fairly quickly as you see their idle time hit 15+ days fairly often. Perhaps three stars should become even easier to obtain than they currently are. If 4* is the new 3*, shouldn't 3* become the new 2*? What about a way for alliance members to give their 2*/3* duplicates to other alliance members with the caveat they have to have been in the alliance for 3 months etc and can't receive more than one cover per alliance member per week or something. The sending party can as a reward could get half the iso they normally would or something. I know I would take 1/2 iso if I could help out members of my alliance since I don't get most of my iso from selling covers.

Sorry Mod's this should be moved to suggestions, didn't realize I was in the general forum section!
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  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Warbringa wrote:
    Sorry Mod's this should be moved to suggestions, didn't realize I was in the general forum section!

    Yeah yeah, we all heard this before lol
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Warbringa wrote:
    Sorry Mod's this should be moved to suggestions, didn't realize I was in the general forum section!

    Per OP's request, this will be moved to suggestions, on 11/4