Spider Gwen (with moveset ideas)

cmgc Posts: 12
edited November 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
Spider-Gwen star.pngstar.pngstar.png

purpleflag.png Keep the beat
Gwen provides the tempo for her team, ala her Mary Janes drumming skills. She swings into the battle with her headphones blaring, and puts a tile on the board that while present reduces her specials' tile requirements by 1. With more practice (leveling up), she keeps the whole team in sync, also reducing their tile requirements.
blackflag.pngSwift kick
Gwen lines up her enemies to kick upside their domes. A 3 turn countup* tile is placed on the board - When fired at 1, gwen attacks 1 enemy. When fired with the countup tile at 2, she combos hitting two enemies. At 3, she completes the trifecta combo successfully hitting them all and gets super stoked - her 'keep the beat' tile is buffed by 1. If the tile is matched at any time, she whiffs and lands in a garbage can trashing any keep the beat tiles on the board.
redflag.pngThe fuzz!
The cops show up trying to apprehend Spider Gwen. Due to the added confusion, it becomes harder for the enemy team to target your heroes with a number of basic tiles becoming dud tiles.