My Silver Surfer cover may have changed color

rubix_qube Posts: 69 Match Maker
I'm posting this before I send in a ticket to see if anyone else has ever had a cover change color.

I got my second Silver Surfer cover today after getting my first several weeks ago (it was just days after the legendary tokens started). Since I only had one cover for SS I never played him, just leveled him up then put him on ice until I could get more covers.

The problem I'm having is that I could swear that the first cover I got for him was blue. I even remember thinking, "good, my guy can't be stunned". Even though I never played him he was always on my first screen, so every time I opened up my roster I would see him first. But over time I paid less and less attention to him and usually just overlooked him.

Today I finally got a second cover and it was red, so when I press the train button I'm happy since I now have a blue and a red cover. However, when the screen flips to his ability it shows him with two red covers. So now I'm confused, did he always have the red cover or did the blue really change to red?

Any thoughts?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't think there's much the forum can do to help you answer this. If you open a customer support ticket, they can probably check the reward logs to verify nothing weird happened.