MY SPIDER MAN's powers DELETED like I've never trained him!!

I already had my 63 level and 3 purple cover Spider Man before finished versus mode named " High Stakes " as 2nd. I earned 3 colours of Spider Man. I trained powers of my Spider Man and I increased his level to 80. After that I exited from game. When I opened it again and chose my Spider Man, I saw he is only 63 level and he only has 3 purple colors! It must be 4 purple, 1 yellow and 1 blue also 80 level! I've never seen this problem before, I searched it in forum but I didn't see a problem like this. It's like someone deleted my Spidey's powers it's really interesting... Web Slinger event started but I can't use my Spider Man's advantageous also I lost some golds but I don't care I just want back my Spidey's powers back please help. =[ MPQ's support is so terrible!


  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    It sounds like it did not have a chance to save.. After any major training or progress, always do a quick prologue board or leaderboard check to force a save. You will have to open a ticket.
  • My problem solved yesterday. icon_e_biggrin.gif