"nerf Rock, Paper is fine." -Scissors

Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
edited February 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
^ Nerf the character above you (they OP)

< What buff should D3 give your favorite character?

\/ Mock the crybaby under you (Cry more, L2p match 3 games)
(Use EDIT after you get a response)

Have fun icon_e_smile.gif


^ OMG nerf IW no one should be that sexy and still be viable as a character..... Mmmm stretchy.

< Ragnarok needs a black ability that costs 2 black AP, but instead of doing something in game It sends a button press to shock collars attached to the Developers necks to remind them how much we love fun balancing.

\/ L2 Protect count down tiles


  • DirigiblePilot
    DirigiblePilot Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2014
    ^ No way Ragnarok is still too good after the nerf, he's one of the best characters, he needs to have +5 to both his AP costs.

    < Modern Hawkeye could be so good, but you can't place his tiles. He should be a master marksman, right? That would be very cool.

    \/ Lol you're just one of the people who put a lot of money into Loki before the nerf, he deserves to stay right where he's at, after all doesn't Thor always beat him in the comics?
  • Unknown
    edited February 2014
    ^ Modern Widow has a useful stun, lower her hit points cuz we can't have her be useful

    < Loki needs his transmogrification back, cuz he's a God, and should be more useful than Modern Widow.

    \/ Waah cuz people don't read instructions
  • Unknown
    edited February 2014
    OK. Seems Fun.

    ^ OMG there is NO WAY a single arrow can hit 3 People. Debuff Red ASAP to single target damage plz.

    < C'mon Devs! If M. Storm is rlly "Mistress of the Elements"' shouldn't her enviro yield be higher? Buff to Enviro 4 @ lv. 15, Enviro 5 @ lv. 40, then reward the truly dedicated with Enviro 6 @ lv. 50 (MAX).

    \/ You know who wants to have stronger Bad Guys?
    Criminals who complain the Good Guys always win.
  • Unknown
    edited February 2014
    Bugpop wrote:
    Modern Widow needs to be nerfed. Her stun is just way too good for a 1-star. Or lower her hit points. She's too useful.


    I got Ninj'd by someone who didn't understand the rules of the game.

    The two most common elements in the Universe truly are Hydrogen and Stupidity.

    Bugpop wrote:
    \/ Waah cuz people don't read instructions

    Nice recovery, sir. Thx 4 playing.
  • mischiefmaker
    mischiefmaker Posts: 932
    edited February 2014
    Took me a few readings to understand how to play, but I think I got it now...

    ^ WHAT are you kidding? MStorm is already totally OP. Bro do you even play in the desert? And don't forget that one time that one guy posted a screenshot of when he was in 1st place midway through a tournament using Thor and MStorm because that TOTALLY proves she is the best.

    < The Hood totally does not play like his comic book character at all. Intimidation? What is that about? He's not Kingpin! His black should be a passive that makes him invisible, just like IW's yellow power. Because that's what his hood does. It makes him invisible. Q.E.D. (I don't know what that means but it makes me sound smart.)

    \/ lol stun and sniper rifle for OBW. Like Black Widow would ever have the ability to stun or carry a giant sniper rifle. TOTALLY not part of canon. Also, learn 2 use damage dealers plz kthxbai.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    edited February 2014
    ^ No way, The Hood is a freaking crime boss, now you want to make him invisible? Invisibility only suits Bagmooks; Baglady and Bag-eye who hides from blows. The Hood is so OP you can flaunt him and make him the primary hitter. Knock a few hundred health points off him, too hard to kill.

    < Give original Black Widow a stun AND a sniper rifle already! What were they thinking? Let her have 5 powers, she's that cool.

    \/ Punisher is for crybabies! What do you mean, 7-8 AP ability cost? That's so softcore, pfft. Real folks only go for 19-20+ AP!
  • Unknown
    edited February 2014
    /\ Widow? Haha, no way, they should nerf her steal - maybe 1 AP of all colors on L5. And maybe take her heal, 'cause it's overpowered with batteries like Hood and max IW.
    < I think Punisher needs buff - some sort of additional yellow power would be good, Band-aid or something.
    \/ Lrn to tank for Captain with Patch. Srsly, they were made for each other.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    This thread is the saddest thing since my cat got cancer.
  • Unknown
    edited February 2014
    ^ Punisher uses a pistol to down opponents under x% life. He probably shouldn't be able to do that to Juggernaut. Or Magneto. Or Thor. Or Iron Man. Or Wolverine. In fact, maybe he should only be able to use Retribution as an instant kill against Black Widow, Captain America, Storm, and the Hood (but only if those characters aren't paying attention).
    > Captain America's abilities are nearly free if the countdown tiles go off. A fair buff would be to just reduce the cost of his blue to 2 and the cost of his red to one, and have them destroy a tile of your choice instead of making the countdown timer. Also, they should drop the cost of his yellow ability to 4.
    V I have been playing for a long time. Strangelove needs to have played for as long as I have to really understand the game. I was being chastised for playing as long ago as Halloween.
  • Unknown
    edited February 2014
    ^ Cap needs to be nerfed because nobody uses him and is already quite useless. Just like the comics, some pawn for stronger characters. I prefer all my battles to be thor/obw just as God intended.
    < DR. DOOM hello? No 3rd tinykitty green power? Armor, blasters, sorcery....ummmm science? Make it happen.
    v You're right. They should boost MN magneto so that everyone who pumped iso into the superior version can be pissed at themselves. Also enjoy his terrible dialog in the iso tournament. I thought that could use a boost for sure.
  • ^ Dr doom? useless if anything his black should cost 3 more and produce 2 less demons, and his blue is WAAAAAY over the top should stun his own team on use and end the turn, in fact hes the only character i feel should never get a third ability, and should not have a third strong tile color.

    < magneto classic on the other hand should produce at least 2 more blue tiles to be worth using, his red should also destroy no less than 8 tiles and deal 50% more damage, don't even get me started on his terrible pink ability, it should just destroy all blue and red tiles giving AP and dealing quadruple tile damage and stunning, not to mention hp at least doubled, he was ALMOST correct when fully powered up.

    \/ I farmed this fellow for like 3 hours and got a green invisible woman for dominating him in the tournament, his roster was all green and red, no way he was doing so well without hacking.