All characters who needed healing showed dead at 2am EST

Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
All characters who needed healing showed dead at 2am EST, this cost me 1 health packs.. i was saving for a run to 1k in PVP, since a clear in the PVE was not costing me any health packs.

So i did a clear.. then around 2:04am EST (after time change, would make it 1am) , all characters missing even 1 hp.. were dead and in need of reviving.. so in order to do another clear , had to use health packs to revive them... This cost me all 12 health packs and a pvp climb...


  • Sounds like the game registered the time change as you trying to time hack and punished you by killing all your characters. You've probably been branded a cheater too icon_e_smile.gif