Shield Timer Lost an Hour

DC1972 Posts: 77 Match Maker
Finished a match in High Stakes PVP with 1 day and 12 minutes remaining (1:58 AM after the daylight saving switch and I know the time since I posted it to by alliance chat on Line). Was set up for an 8/8/8 shield hop with a couple of matches in between each to finish the event. Checked again 30 minutes later and I only have 6 hours and 30 minutes remaining on my shield but there is still 23 hours and 42 minutes left in the event which means I'll need another 3/8/8 hour shield combination in order to finish.

Anyone else lose an hour?


  • ZeiramMR
    ZeiramMR Posts: 1,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, I lost some points on the first node I tried. It was listing full points AND it had actually been 8 hours since the node had been last played. Granted, it was only a loss of 10 or 11 points, but definitely annoying and could have been worse given what I've seen about shields impacted.