Company disloyalty to the players of Marvel Puzzle Quest

Dear Sirs come through this to express my outrage at the programmers of the game Marvel Puzzle Quest. There are times I've been suspecting that the game at certain times is completely unfair to your players. When you are close to the maximum awards, especially in versus mode simulator and the difficulty changes dramatically, making matches ending up in a snap with a succession of waterfalls and critical damage. Until then there would be no actual illegality, however, paying close attention on the computer APs number (which is hidden on purpose), I identified that the program launches the powers of the characters without APs minimum required, being in full sabotage players and this occurs with some frequency. thus, the player is required to purchase coins in the game to keep playing until you get the desired prize. The rules of the game are completely violated letting the players at a great disadvantage, that is, deliberately, featuring complete bad faith, and consequently incurring crime, constituting a clear larceny.
That, so, I refer to Your Lordships that I as a lawyer, I will be providing some application or other means to record the matches, thus proving the nitida sabotage and the crime of embezzlement perpetuated. Once that meets these tests joined a lawsuit against the company developer and game distributor, requiring a fat compensation for the moral damage suffered and materials.
Best regards
Dr. Paul Rubens Vieira de Araujo
nickname: PR290385


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    You're going to record the number of ap the AI gets each turn in hopes of proving it is using abilities without the requisite ap? Go for it! Come back here and post your results, please.
  • SirLanik
    SirLanik Posts: 345 Mover and Shaker
    The enemy AP is always visible on mobile, you just need to scroll and look at it. If you check before you make your move, you can always know if they have enough AP for a move.

    And, I can say with great confidence, if you actually bother to look, you'll see that it is not cheating.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Legal issues must be taken up through the proper channels, threats of legal action, the same. Locking this topic.
This discussion has been closed.