James Rhodes (War Machine)

ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
This build came about because I was thinking about how to make IM40 good without buffing him directly. All of Rhodey's powers strengthen IM40's abilities, but would also provide a nice benefit to other teams. I think he'd be pretty usable as a support character and not so bad on his own. In particular his Yellow passive is basically a 1 AP rebate on all of your powers (2 for greentile.pngbluetile.png at max rank), and has a built in defense to AP drain as well. His strongest attack is his Green, which makes 3 powerful CDs. Combined with Flyby it's even scarier. npxo

I think the two most viable builds are 3/5/5 and 5/3/5, but 5/5/3 might be better when teamed with another big Green user or for players who hate to rely on Countdowns.

I made his green's countdowns detonate in Unison so that the tile destruction wouldn't possibly cause cascades which destroy the lower ones. However, if each attack happened separately (i.e. normal for CDs) the damage could be dealt across multiple foes if one of them is downed by the first or second pop. It's kind of a toss up, I'd want to test out how often the first detonation(s) end up botching the later ones before settling one way or the other. Either way, using Mirv + Flyby to do 3K damage to the enemy team followed by 3x3K the next turn is pretty cool.

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngJames Rhodes (War Machine)
Max HP:13934
Tile damage: 82/11/10/09/73/64/x4.0

yellowflag.png Air Support (Passive)
War Machine's arsenal adds to his team's offensive capabilities. Whenever your team's Blue or Green AP is spent or drained, generate 1 AP in that color afterwards.
    Level 2: Also triggers when Yellow or Purple AP is spent or drained.
    Level 3: Triggers when any color of AP is spent or drained.
    Level 4: Also reduces any AP drain your team suffers by 2.
    Level 5: Reduces AP drain by 3. When your team's Blue or Green AP is spent or drained, gain 2 AP in that color.

    blackflag.png Flyby 10 blacktile.png
    War Machine rockets across the battlefield at high speed, unleashing destruction. Deals 400 damage to the enemy team and reduces the timer on up to 2 friendly Yellow Countdown tiles by 1.
      Level 2: 630 damage (1210 at Max Level).
      Level 3: Affects 3 tiles.
      Level 4: 900 damage (1785 at Max level).
      Level 5. 1600 damage (3172 at Max Level). Reduces Countdowns by 2.

      greenflag.pngMicro-MIRV Rockets 11 greentile.png
      The War Machine suit has a wide variety of specialized weaponry. Fires Micro-MIRVs, creating 3 Yellow Countdown tiles: After 3 turns, the tiles detonate in unison, each shattering 3 basic tiles and dealing 600 damage to the target.
        Level 2: 800 damage.
        Level 3: 1000 damage (1980 at Max Level).
        Level 4: 1300 damage (2670 at Max Level).
        Level 5: 1900 damage (3755 at Max Level).