5* Scaling

Talus9952 Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
It was announced that 5*s do not affect PVE scaling but they clearly do. A friend of mine added Old Man Logan to their roster. He's still transitioning to 3*, and other than Old Man Logan, his roster is capped at 94. In the first sub of Unstable ISO-8, his last node had bullseye at lv194. Compared to my scaling, I have a few 3*s at 166, they are my highest. I have 0 5*s rostered, and the last node is at 157. Can we get this bug addressed already? The scaling due to the 5* made the last node unbeatable for him.


  • frostCoH
    frostCoH Posts: 71 Match Maker
    Oh they CLEARLY do.
    I'm fighting mafia thugs with over 10000 hit points and swords that do over 850 damage enemystrike.png will wipe an entire team in one move, when they are paired with Bullseye or someone. I've never seen this before I got my surfer. I want to delete him if it will fix the scaling because it's not worth the stress.