Customer Service issue

Hello world,

I am not sure if I am the only one experiencing a bad quality customer service from D3 for a while now but here goes nothing... I recently submitted a ticket regarding a faulty shield that I used during one of the PVP in off-season.

Here is the chronological order of the issue:
- I completed all my fight and bought a 24 hrs shield
- Shield was declared up and timer was on.
- double reconfirmation by looking at the leaderboard and shows it is shielded and the points are intact.
- I logged off from the game and continue on with my work meeting.
- few minutes later, Notification alert from another game
- along with that notification was MPQ notification that said I was defeated by some people in MPQ.
- logged in and saw that i had been attacked multiple times and lost few hundreds of points.
- saw my shield status showed NONE.. however, the 24 hrs shield was on cooldown for next 7 hrs plus.
- Have no choice but bought another shield for the next 8 hrs
- ended the PVP with few points short of Legendary token and top 10 position

With this predicament, I sent email to D3 to request for refund on my 24hrs faulty shield and explained my predicament thoroughly to them. However, they kept replying me with the textbook explanation that kept repeating itself. not only that the responders were inconsistent that I have to explain my situation repeatedly.

I know that CS is underappreciated job and the first target on the firing line whenever things go haywire but it's all the more the reason why good service should be provided so that the pain experienced by the players are slightly reduced. Worst still, to indirectly call the customer a Liar is downright inappropriate but that's another story for another post.

I would like to hear from others what they did to resolve this issue with the shortest time possible.. I know it's a mere 300 HP but I am a Free-to-Play player thus 300 HP is important to me... Deeply appreciate any inputs and advice.


Ryou Takahashi
IGN: ryoutakahashi
Alliance: WhalesGoneWild