Trading covers

Sure it's been covered previously but here's my 2 cents...
Allow the trading of covers within an alliance. An alliance's raison d'etre should surely have a cooperative core and allowing the trading of covers would allow vets and newcomers to boost each other's rosters. New players landing 4 star characters can throw their scaling out of whack in PVP and actually be detrimental to progression. Veteran players are throwing out 2 and 3 stars which are invaluable to those new to the game.
Keeping the trading within an alliance keeps everything manageable from a programming perspective and would arguably entice players to invest in HP required to expand their increasing rosters. Personally, the only time I've invested in the game is to increase roster space and I'd happily do so again knowing the investment had a 3 way gain (myself, my alliance members, d3).
Anyway, those are my thoughts..have great ones, wherever you are.


  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    So the best alliances get better and the struggling ones struggle even more? That just creates an even bigger gap between top and bottom making the game less competitive and forcing a lot of players out of the game.

    I get what you were trying to do but any addition which enables top level players to get better while simultaneously keeping low level players where they are is not a suggestion which I agree with. It's sort of like giving wealthy people lots of tax breaks while poor people get taxed to death...doesn't seem fair does it.
  • So the best alliances get better and the struggling ones struggle even more? That just creates an even bigger gap between top and bottom making the game less competitive and forcing a lot of players out of the game.

    I get what you were trying to do but any addition which enables top level players to get better while simultaneously keeping low level players where they are is not a suggestion which I agree with. It's sort of like giving wealthy people lots of tax breaks while poor people get taxed to death...doesn't seem fair does it.

    I agree to an will always be abused (more on that later).But speaking purely from personal experience and nothing more, there are players within my alliance who are where I was six months back...they're just starting out, Whenever I'm ditching 2* and 3* covers due to already having them maxed, and I look at someone's roster who would actually appreciate the cover I'm about to bin, I'd happily take anything/nothing from them in order to give them something they need.
    Those with a weak roster could benefit. Those with a strong roster could benefit but it needn't be a benefit that's exclusive to them.

    I couldn't agree more with your point about the dangers of a widening 'class' gap. It's happening now in the form of alliances recruiting players with fully covered 4/5 star characters who've only been out a month. Browsing the top alliances visible to me, their rosters are comprised of characters who I presume (always a dangerous thing to do icon_e_smile.gif)can only have been leveled up via the purchase of 40 packs and subsequent boosting via hero points.
    How people spend their money is up to them, and I've no interest in denying them that right. I've also no interest in seeing Manchester United play my sons under 11's in a competitive fixture any time soon.
    With the way things are, alliances with weak rosters are facing off against those with enough power to consume a sun. It's hardly fair as is.
    So...handing covers 'down' (for want of a better word) to players struggling within an alliance is something which in principle, could be of value? Will the system be exploited by those with already insane rosters? Undoubtedly. Are the points you raised valid concerns? Yes, now more than ever with the ever widening in game class gap. Things ARE getting worse.

    So...I'm curious. Taking as much, as little, or none of the above into consideration, is there any (other) way veteran players could aid newer ones and vice versa? Other than the current model of "let's all pitch in, swing the bat, in hope of better rewards"?
    Maybe, maybe not, but I'd like to hear ideas.
  • ammenell
    ammenell Posts: 817 Critical Contributor
    Lupin1138 wrote:
    [...], and I look at someone's roster who would actually appreciate the cover I'm about to bin, I'd happily take anything/nothing from them in order to give them something they need.
    Those with a weak roster could benefit. Those with a strong roster could benefit but it needn't be a benefit that's exclusive to them.[...]
    d3s monetary intake would not benefit. simple answer.
  • ammenell wrote:
    Lupin1138 wrote:
    [...], and I look at someone's roster who would actually appreciate the cover I'm about to bin, I'd happily take anything/nothing from them in order to give them something they need.
    Those with a weak roster could benefit. Those with a strong roster could benefit but it needn't be a benefit that's exclusive to them.[...]
    d3s monetary intake would not benefit. simple answer.

    But in my case, the only time I have spent, and can envisage spending any money on MPQ, is to increase my roster size. More covers equals, in my case, more inclination to spend.