Phil Coulson!

slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
Phil Coulson

blackflag.png(Passive) Combat Ready: Coulson always comes prepared no matter what the situation is. Start the game with 1 AP of the colors red, blue, and green, also at the start of every round Coulson turns a basic black tile into a strike tile with the strength of 30
2 Covers: Start the game with 1 Black AP as well. (Strike tile strength increased by 5%)
3 Covers: Start the game with 1 Purple AP as well. (Strike tile strength increased by 5%)
4 Covers: Start the game with 1 Yellow AP as well. (Strike tile strength increased by 5%)
5 Covers: Start the game with 2 Red AP and 1 AP from all other colors. Also creates two Strike tiles per turn. (Strike tile strength increased by 5%)

redflag.png 12 AP The Destroyer Gun: Oh, so that's what that does. Deals 750 damage and destroys a chosen 3x3 block of tiles, dealing an additional 150 damage for each special tile destroyed.
2 Covers: Deals 900 base damage and deals an additional 205 damage for each special tile destroyed.
3 Covers: Deals 1000 base damage and deals an additional 350 damage for each special tile destroyed.
4 Covers: Deals 1200 base damage and deals an additional 425 damage for each special tile destroyed.
5 Covers: Deals 1500 base damage and deals an additional 500 damage for each special tile destroyed.

blueflag.png(Passive) Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D: Each time you match an enemy special tile, Coulson deals an additional 150 damage to the target. If Coulson has at least 10 blue AP, he destroys all other friendly and enemy special tiles, dealing 125 damage per tile destroyed and consumes all blue AP.
2 Covers: Also strengthens the strength of a friendly special tile by 75 (Damage for special tiles destroyed raised by 5%)
3 Covers: Coulson deals an additional 300 damage to the target. (Damage for special tiles destroyed raised by 5%)
4 Covers: Coulson deals an additional 450 damage to the target. (Damage for special tiles destroyed raised by 5%)
5 Covers: Coulson deals an additional 650 damage to the target. (Damage for special tiles destroyed raised by 10%)


  • ronin_san
    ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
    You should look up the existing Coulson thread.