Steam: Game Crash on match start

AaronTheLuigi Posts: 187 Tile Toppler
For about the fourth time this month, I'm going through the PvP running and come across a team. I select my team members and applicable Team-Up/boosts I'm going to use, then begin the fight.

Right as the initial board settles, the sound of the tiles dropping hangs for a second before all in-game sounds are muted. Before I can do anything (such as hit pause in the top-right of the screen or see the abilities for either team or even make my first match) the game has crashed. Windows gives me a message:
Marvel Puzzle Quest has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

There is no pattern to when this occurs (it has happened in PvE, PvP, Prologue and Deadpool's Daily as long as I've played), although the last two times now it hits right when I begin a winnable battle to get to an Iso-progression in PvP. Different player/enemy teams and TUs each time, different board layouts, same error.

Should I file a ticket or is this an issue being worked on? I don't feel very good about losing a) Versus event points and b) 1/3 of my characters health
simply because the game decided to stop working before I could literally do anything.