How do I get it to stop asking me to share google info?

notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
This is incredibly annoying. Now, not only is Facebook login loading everytime I start the game, but after the last patch, it is also asking me to give them access to my google account. NO! What is wrong with these people? They already have tons of permissions on my phone from the app store. This is too much. I have been playing almost 2 years, but now I have to deal with nonstop intrusiveness into the game. Is there any way to stop this short of actually letting them have access to my google account information?


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    What are you concerned about?
  • I keep turning off the option to log in to google+ and yet every time I start the game there it is again logging me in to Google.

    Please fix the options so they work... If I choose not to log in to my Google account then respect that please.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    Checking into this. If I obtain any helpful info I'll update. Thanks!
  • notamutant
    notamutant Posts: 855 Critical Contributor
    "David wrote:

    Checking into this. If I obtain any helpful info I'll update. Thanks!

    It stopped asking me to log in to Google every time I launch the game now. Still asking me to log into Facebook every time I load the game though...