Enemy of the State Player Ranks

Should be a simple question and answer but how is it possible that there are players with a massive amount of rank points, when i cant possibly obtain any more points? Completed all the missions grinded each one till there was less than 100 points a mission. So im about 17k and there is players about to hit 30k. Am i playing the game wrong? How is this possible?


  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Unless the subevent has less than 8 hours left, it's better to do a node once and then wait eight hours (the refresh timer until full points) before clearing it again.If you can do this regularly, and then grind the points down to nothing at the end, you too will be "playing optimally."

    Personally, I find this to be an overly time-sensitive, arbitrarily complex, and deeply unfun way to play a game, so I mostly ignore competitive PvE.
  • Okay thank you very much i appreciate the input
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    DayvBang wrote:
    Personally, I find this to be an overly time-sensitive, arbitrarily complex, and deeply unfun way to play a game, so I mostly ignore competitive PvE.

    This. Plus I've got a job and a wife.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Throw kids on top of that for the trifecta.