Jessica Jones / Purple Man

bobbyfish Posts: 299
edited November 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
Trailer out, and looks great

Do you think we'll get her as a character? We got Kingpin when Daredevil came out I seem to remember

Purple Man could make a good Gorgon-style villain. He could have a move which makes all your attacks hit your own team, or force you to use an ability against your own team?


  • Definitely hoping for this. More so for Purple Man.

    Randomly place a trap tile. If the trap tile is matched a random enemy ability is fired against the enemy team for 50% damage.
    (Max Level: Trap tile cannot be overwritten. Enemy ability fires at 110% of normal damage.)
    Place a purple countdown tile. While the countdown tile is in play the Purple Man chooses the enemy team's matches.
    (Max Level: Enemy match damage reduced to 50%, Player team gain 50% of AP generated by enemy)
    blackflag.png or blueflag.png
    See icon_scarletwitch.pngblueflag.png
  • bobbyfish
    bobbyfish Posts: 299
    Grantosium wrote:
    Definitely hoping for this. More so for Purple Man.

    Randomly place a trap tile. If the trap tile is matched a random enemy ability is fired against the enemy team for 50% damage.
    (Max Level: Trap tile cannot be overwritten. Enemy ability fires at 110% of normal damage.)
    Place a purple countdown tile. While the countdown tile is in play the Purple Man chooses the enemy team's matches.
    (Max Level: Enemy match damage reduced to 50%, Player team gain 50% of AP generated by enemy)
    blackflag.png or blueflag.png
    See icon_scarletwitch.pngblueflag.png

    nice, I like the idea of making the enemies' matches for them. So they would still get the AP by default, but you could make sure it's useless where possible. Would be a really nice different kind of tactical character, which I don't think there's enough of at the moment.
  • Starsaber
    I'm hoping that Jessica will be (Passive) purpleflag.png, redflag.png, blackflag.png to get rainbow coverage with Luke Cage and Iron Fist. I also think her passive should generate Strike tiles the way the other two generate Protect and Attack tiles.
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Starsaber wrote:
    I'm hoping that Jessica will be (Passive) purpleflag.png, redflag.png, blackflag.png to get rainbow coverage with Luke Cage and Iron Fist. I also think her passive should generate Strike tiles the way the other two generate Protect and Attack tiles.

    Shouldn't there be a blue in there for rainbow coverage? If you meant that in place of the purple, it'd make a lot of sense: covers blue and provides actives with their passive. She can fly, so her blue could incorporate that, or maybe she generates a strike tile to go with IF's attack and LC's protect.

    Besides, I don't think JJ wants anything to do with purple...
  • Starsaber
    Starsaber wrote:
    I'm hoping that Jessica will be (Passive) purpleflag.png, redflag.png, blackflag.png to get rainbow coverage with Luke Cage and Iron Fist. I also think her passive should generate Strike tiles the way the other two generate Protect and Attack tiles.

    Shouldn't there be a blue in there for rainbow coverage? If you meant that in place of the purple, it'd make a lot of sense: covers blue and provides actives with their passive. She can fly, so her blue could incorporate that, or maybe she generates a strike tile to go with IF's attack and LC's protect.

    Besides, I don't think JJ wants anything to do with purple...

    It was a typo, but in place of the black, not the purple. You have a good point about purple though.