
Freehuey24 Posts: 18
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
blueflag.png Survival of the Fittest (9)

Wagering the life of all, Apocalypse sets out to prove he is the superior being. Upon activation, creates a random 5 countdown tile on a random color that is locked and can not be destroyed. Once the countdown appears on the color, each team has to get the most of that color before the counter reaches zero. Losing team is damaged for 1500 and winning team gains 900 health.

Lv2: Losing team 2500 damage, winning team 1300 health
Lv3: Losing team 3200 damage, winning team 2000 health
Lv4: Losing team 4000 damage, winning team 2500 health and creates 150 strength of each special tile
Lv5: Losing team 6000 damage, winning team 3700 health and creates 250 strength of each special tile

blackflag.png Calling the Horsemen (15)

Calls on the Four Horsemen for assistance before delivering his own devastating blow. Calls upon Famine who steals one AP of every color.

Lv2: Famine plus War who creates four strike tiles and four attack tiles of 75 strength
Lv3: Famine and War plus Pestilance who creates random trap tile the drains 250 health from team each turn.
Lv4: Famine steals two every color, War special tiles increase to 150, Pestilence drains 400 health from team, and Death selects random target with three count death tile which auto kills the target if not matched.
Lv5: All Four Horsemen Lv4 powers plus Apocalypse enters and delivers a blow the deals 4500 damage to target and stuns for one turn.

greenflag.png Fear a God (passive)

He forces his opponents to stop and worship in his presence. At the beginning of the turn he creates a 5 countdown tile that stuns enemy team

Lv2: Stuns selected target for two turns. Rest of team for one turn.
Lv3: Stuns selected target for three turns. Rest of team for one turn.
Lv4: Stuns selected target for four turns. Rest of team for one turn.
Lv5: Stuns selected target for four turns. Rest of team for two turns.


  • Not wanting to discourage you but I'm pretty sure Apocalypse will be a boss not released for sale.It will be a special event, as it was Ultron and Galactus. It is a different character.