Laura Kinney, X-23: If I were the creator.

X-23 (Laura Kinney) star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png
Age of Apocalypse

Fight over blackflag.png 10
"Get out of here before I really get mad." Trained to kill, his "scent tigger" releases all his inner rage in the specific target with the sought smell. Cause 4083 damage to the target and creates 2 Strikes tiles tightly reds 80.

Holy Heritage yellowflag.png 0

Because the daughter of Wolvie she inherited his healing ability. At above 800 undergoes damage, it recovers 40% of the damage received.

Rare intelligence purpleflag.png 7

His analytical skills allow it effects a perfect discourse analysis of his opponent only to watch him. This allows her to get benefits during the fight. Steals three black and three yellow enemy team and generate 1AP in the same colors. If the opponent has less than three AP in yellow and black colors, it automatically generates additional AP to complete 3 black and yellow.



  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    Hey! That's just like my previous post for X-23! Here's what I got:

    We have 3 versions of Wolverine, 2 versions of Daken, but not even one single X-23? I call this injustice! That is why I can't wait for developers to hurry up and design X-23 so she can kick some major ****! But... I'm aware that she may be susceptible to the nerf bat if the game developers read my proposed movesets...

    Agh, doesn't matter! I just want to show you guys how much I love to have X-23 for my harem... um, I mean roster! Yeah, that's it... So here's what I got for her:

    X-23 (Laurel Kinney) star.pngstar.pngstar.png


    blackflag.pngCutthroat Approach: X-23 is trained to become the living weapon. She waits until her opponents drop their guard and aim for the kill. Down a target instantly who has less than 20% health. Enemy target that did not go down from this ability will bleed, maximum damage is 30% of enemy's health

    Max Level: Invisible characters can also be targeted and damaged by this ability.

    purpleflag.pngRage Trigger: Enemies provoking X-23 shall learn the consequences as Laurel recklessly charges in a path of utter annihilation. Deal extra damage for every enemy Attack tile on the board. For every 3 enemy owned strike tiles on the board, X-23 gains a 700 damage boost(?)

    Max Level: Destroy 3 enemy owned tiles every time X-23 gets damaged by an Attack tile.

    yellowflag.pngAccelerated Healing Factor: As the female clone of Wolverine, Laurel inherits the regenerative power to recover from any damage taken in battle. Heals on every turn. (Passive)

    Max Level: Recovers from stun 2 turns faster.