Q&A Thread?

Enoc99 Posts: 141
edited October 2015 in MPQ General Discussion
I did a search and couldn't find it.

Is there an active Q&A thread currently running? I had a question that I wanted to direct to the developers and would like to post it there.

Are there any plans to release any new 3* characters within the next 3 months? 6 months? 9 months?

Just curious.



  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    The last video Q&A was in July. I would not expect them to show up any more. The monthly videos are things that the developer wants to announce. I think the questions that we have, they probably already know about, and would not want to put up a video full of "We're looking into it." / "It's on the backburner." A video full of no-updates probably wouldn't garner a positive reception. The last response regarding 3* was during the announcement of Silver Surfer.

    Marvel.com: Do you guys have more 5-star characters planned? And are 3 and 4-star characters taking a back seat to their more powerful brethren?

    Will Jennings-Hess: Two more 5-stars follow Silver Surfer, yeah! We’re releasing them, one a month, through November, so that there’s plenty of variety and strategy at the 5-star level. After that, we’ll take stock and evaluate what proportion of our new characters should be 5-stars.

    We’re not currently working on new 3-stars. With 40 of them already in the game, it’s extremely hard to release a new one that’s distinct from what’s there already, powerful enough to be useful, and not so powerful that it takes the place of an existing 3-star. But we did just recently find room for a new 1-star Spider-Man, and anything could happen down the road.
  • David [Hi-Fi] Moore
    David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin

    There's no Q&A thread, but we are hoping to have a November Community Video ready to go by the first week of next month. At least, that's what we're shooting for. Still trying to get all of our ducks in a row (not a Howard reference), etc. regarding what we can talk about.
  • TheWerebison
    TheWerebison Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    "David wrote:

    There's no Q&A thread, but we are hoping to have a November Community Video ready to go by the first week of next month. At least, that's what we're shooting for. Still trying to get all of our ducks in a row (not a Howard reference), etc. regarding what we can talk about.

    I dunno, there's been a lot of duck droppings around. Err...I mean, a lot of name-dropping about a particular duck. Please, PLEASE be up to something.
  • "David wrote:

    There's no Q&A thread, but we are hoping to have a November Community Video ready to go by the first week of next month. At least, that's what we're shooting for. Still trying to get all of our ducks in a row (not a Howard reference), etc. regarding what we can talk about.

    I dunno, there's been a lot of duck droppings around. Err...I mean, a lot of name-dropping about a particular duck. Please, PLEASE be up to something.

    I like to imagine IceIX talks about Howard as much as possible just to go "But looooook at all the people hyped about him! You GOT to put him in now!"