Five Star Thanos concept/moves

Freehuey24 Posts: 18
edited October 2015 in Speculation and Concepts
Thanos Quest.

This is how I would like to see a five star Thanos implemented. Everything has to be earned.

You will have to already have the four star Thanos in your roster and he will need to be leveled to at least a level 250 in order to embark on this quest.

The first thing that would have to happen is that you have to obtain the actual gauntlet. To do this you will need to raid the Asgardian vault. This would be a boss mission in which you would ultimately have to defeat Odin in order to have the gauntlet in your roster. Maybe even having to fight Asgardians such as Lady Sif, Hogun, Heimdall, or Balder.

After getting then gauntlet, then you will have to fight for each Infinity Gem. This would loosely reflect the actual Thanos Quest comic storyline in which each mission would end in a boss fight from the characters in the book. You would defeat The Champion of the Universe for the Power Gem, the Inbetweener for the Soul Gem, the Gardner for the Time Gem, the Runner for the Space Gem, the Collector for the Reality Gem, and the Grandmaster for the Mind Gem.

As I stated in my previous post, when you use the gauntet, then you can only use Thanos in the battle. But you will have access to all six powers.

Here is a sample of something I would do for the Gem powers.

redflag.png Red Power Gem (passive)
This gem creates a four countdown tile at the beginning of the turn. Once the tile activates, it creates a locked five countdown power icon that can’t be destroyed. This icon boosts Thanos normal attacks by 50 % and all super moves by 25%.

Lv2: Boosts attacks by 60%; supers by 30%
Lv3: Creates a three countdown tile; and boosts attacks by 70%; supers by 40%
Lv4: Boosts attacks by 90%; supers by 45%
Lv5: Creates two countdown tile; boosts attacks by 100%; supers by 60%

yellowflag.png Yellow Soul Gem (7)
Steal soul of individual target. Depletes player health by 20%.

Lv2: Depletes by 35%
Lv3: Depletes by 40% Max of 3500 HP
Lv4: Depletes by 50% Max of 4000 HP.
Lv5: Depletes by 69%. Max of 6000 HP.

blueflag.png Blue Time Gem. (12)
Stuns enemy team for one turn.

Lv2: Stuns enemy team for two turns.
Lv3: Stuns two turns and activates Back Track which reverses all damage occurred to Thanos for two previous turns.
Lv4: Stuns primary target for four turns and other enemy team members for two turns
Lv5: Stuns primary target for four turns and rest of team for two turns and activates Back Track which reverses all damage occurred to Thanos for four previous turns.

greenflag.png Green Mind Gem (11)
Controlling the mind of enemy, Thanos is able to activate any of the enemy super moves to his advantage at 25% effectiveness.

Lv2: 35% effectiveness
Lv3: 50% effectiveness
Lv4: 75% effectiveness
Lv5: 100% effectiveness

purpleflag.png Purple Reality Gem (6)
Completely change the reality of the enemy team. Changes any five enemy special tiles into friendly tiles.

Lv2: Also randomly steals all of an enemy AP reserve from one color pool.
Lv3: Changes any eight enemy special tiles into friendly tiles and randomly steals all of an enemy AP reserve from one color pool.
Lv4: Changes any eight enemy special tiles into friendly tiles and randomly steals all of an enemy AP reserve from two color pool.
Lv5: Changes all of the enemy special tiles into friendly tiles and steals all of an enemy AP reserve from strongest color pool and destroys 50% from all other color pools.

blackflag.png Black Space Gem (8)
With the space gem, Thanos is able to teleport to any place in the universe. Creates a four turn countdown tile that enable Thanos to dodge all incoming damage. Will receive no damage while the countdown tile is on the board.

Lv2: Adds the ability to strike if the trap tile is matched. 1000 damage.
Lv3: Damage increases to 2500.
Lv4: Changes countdown tile to a randomly placed trap tile. Damage increased 3500.
Lv5: Trap tile will rotate every turn. Damage increased to 5000.