Are nodes STILL crashing for everyone?

TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
In Round 8, NOT ONLY did my Black Panther wave node not give me say points for completing it, my Hulk wave node just crashed my game, sending me back to my phone's Home screen. So, now I have to wait 90 minutes for then to heal.

I thought this was fixed?


  • Ctenko
    Ctenko Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    My BP node said it gave zero points, but awarded the 1600 regardless. And a prize. My Hulk node worked just fine. Might just be you bud.
  • Yeah, this isn't a universal crash issue.

    It's just your specific bad setup. icon_e_sad.gif

    File a ticket with details mang.
  • Back Panther did it to me too, sending a ticket off
  • Eichen
    Eichen Posts: 176 Tile Toppler
    My game has been randomly crashing for months. Crashes in pve, Galactus, pvp,dpd, basically everything. It happens at least once per day sometimes as many as 3 times per day. I sent in a ticket long ago. I was told they were going to hold my ticket while they investigated. I responded with a message saying it getting put on the back burner to be forgot about. I got another message saying that wasn't the case that they really were going to investigate. Then just this week after over a month they closed my ticket and said sorry they found nothing. Since then my game has crashed multiple times, not just Galactus event either. So evidently they have no idea why it crashes.
  • Mazza
    Mazza Posts: 41
    No crash but no points for BP node either.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    "You're supposed to lose"

    Don't sweat it.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    No bp points or reward, I believe.
  • Ctenko wrote:
    My BP node said it gave zero points, but awarded the 1600 regardless. And a prize. My Hulk node worked just fine. Might just be you bud.

    Thought my BP node rewarded zero points, but you've got me wondering…

    It didn't crash, and I got a reward, sooo…

    Hopefully it did and I just didn't notice!

  • SunCrusher
    SunCrusher Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    TLCstormz wrote:
    In Round 8, NOT ONLY did my Black Panther wave node not give me say points for completing it, my Hulk wave node just crashed my game, sending me back to my phone's Home screen. So, now I have to wait 90 minutes for then to heal.

    I thought this was fixed?

    About an hour ago or less, I completed the BP node... and gained zero points for it. So no, it wasn't just you.

    I didn't crash my game, but I earned zero points. I DID get my prize from the node which was some number of ISO.

    Sending in a ticket myself. icon_e_sad.gif

    Edit: Thinking out loud, I don't think it matters what round you are on. I'm on Round 2 as a soloist and my node still gave me zero points... but awarded me the node award of X number of ISO.

    In case a dev looks at this thread:

    Device: iPod Touch 5th Generation
    OS: iOS 8.4.1
    Scenario: At approximately somewhere in 4pm PST, I entered into the Black Panther node of Round 2 (I'm sorry; I didn't pay enough attention to read what, exactly the node entailed aside from two waves?) with Black Panther, Classic Storm, and OBW. I finished the node... and was given a 0 points screen and earned 0 points... but still earned a reward. It unlocked Galactus for me... which is good... but I seem to still be missing points which is bad because I'm missing pretty much exactly that from my Personal Progression to earn my next reward! ... Either that or my math went crazy, BUT my screen showed 0 points and before I hit that node, I was doing math and figured that I would hit my next progression with THAT node's points plus the next Galactus points together.