Does every node gives 1600p?

The thing is, i thought every node was giving 1600p, but im not sure coz I wasnt paying atention. Until now. Last node i did, the bp one, gave me 0 points.

Im at r6 in the event, and there is just one refresing more before the event finishes. Im 848k points, so I need 101k. That means, giving every galactus 24120 if i kill him, and as i thought every node 1600, 24120x4+1600x4, I would reach 950k. But, if not every node is giving points, i could be at just a few points to get the legendary token. So now, yeah, im concern about those points, please, dont mock me mpq


  • Was it the BP node? Because I got that, too. I was trying to hurry to my Galactus fight, so I instinctively went forward when I should've done a screenshot, but it frustrated me. That's one BP node crashing and one giving no points...
  • Yeah, that one, the BP one. Is it suppose to be a bug? Coz if it is, i would hate to miss a legendary token just for a few points i lost due to a bug
  • CHxHC
    CHxHC Posts: 6
    Same here. I thought I had imagined it.
  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Noticed it gave zero points, it happens sometimes but updates later. As we cleared yesterday I didn't check to see if it did though. So maybe it's worth bugging.
  • And i have 848400, and i need 101600, for those who noticed the miscalculation in the first post
  • RoboDuck
    RoboDuck Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
    Just did the BP node. Got 0 points for it. Hopefully the points show up. Hopefully its not another bugged BP node.
  • I'm kind of glad I am not as close to a legendary as you. 1600 points won'the make or break me, since I am in the unwashed masses of casual alliances. My alliance has not gotten high enough for me to get enough points to worry about it, and my lack of 4Clops has cemented that thoroughly. I did, however, get that useless BP cover. Would've really liked a 4Clops progression reward.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Are you sure the points aren't still being counted towards your progression, even if you don't see them tally up after the match? There's a bug that usually happens if you lose your internet signal while playing a match and get "Comm Link Disrupted" right after it ends, where (as soon as you reconnect) the points tally screen will show zero but you'll still get the points.
  • I'm pretty sure my points didn't tally. I was right on the edge of my BP cover reward (about 1000 points) but didn't get it until the Galactus fight.
  • Well, this time i had no problem, it gave the 1600 as it should. So i finally made it, i got last reward, fiuuuu icon_e_biggrin.gif